Ready Steady Assembly !

Chris Akhurst  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Oct 1998
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Ready! Steady! Assembly!
Infant Assembly Outlines
By Helen Franklin and Claire Derry. SU. 127 pages. £6.00.
ISBN 1 85999 189 0

Let me first acknowledge my indebtedness to my daughter, a reception class teacher, for her comments.

While much of the material is developed from earlier texts, there are plenty of refreshing suggestions and approaches here for infant assemblies. The section 'A Special Book' is particularly good, providing a lively introduction for children not familiar with the Bible, and the final section presents some new suggestions for 'Special Times' - prime assembly times these. Perhaps most helpful of all is the introduction, especially the advice 'If you're a visitor. . .' where important principles and considerations are carefully listed. And it is the lay visitor I think, rather than the professional teacher, who will find this book most valuable. Care will be needed though as some of the language is advanced for the age group and, be warned, a lot of preparation time is expected.

Chris Akhurst, Cambridge

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