Baptism - meaning, mode and subjects
By Michael Kimmitt
K&M Books for 'Covenant Protestant Church of Ballymena'. 48 pages
ISBN 0 952304112
This booklet claims to deal with the 'meaning, mode and subjects' of baptism. In fact, most of it is taken up with the issue of mode - is it by sprinkling, pouring or immersion? The meaning, which is the crucial issue, gets just over two pages and the subjects - infants or professing believers - around two and a half.
He claims to appeal only to Scripture but claims also that mathematics demonstrate 'incontrovertibly' that John's baptism cannot mean immersion (p.15). Those who are not mathematicians would, I suggest, find truth and clarity in the biblical comment that John baptised at Aenon because there 'was plenty of water there' (John 3.25) - hardly needed if a few drops were enough for each penitent!