Genesis for Today - showing the relevance of the creation/evolution debate to today's society

Philip Duce  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jun 1998
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Genesis for Today:
showing the relevance of the creation/evolution debate to today's society
By Andy McIntosh. Day One Publications. 208 pages. £6.99
ISBN 0 902548 78 6

Dr. McIntosh is Reader in Combustion Theory at the University of Leeds, is closely involved with Young Life and United Beach Missions, and a young earth creationist.

He states: 'It is not the primary purpose of this book to be another apologetics title on the subject of creation/evolution' (p.20); rather, his concern is to expound the implications of a literal reading of Genesis 1-11 for wider aspects of Christian theology. Hence, claims for scientific evidence for design, a young earth and Noah's flood, and comments on fossils and dating methods are placed in three appendices. Essentially, Dr. McIntosh urgently seeks to show the relevance of the gospel of creation, fall and redemption to our nation and culture ('the desert of ungodliness all around us' (p.91)) - and, according to Ken Ham's foreword, the book contributes to a worldwide movement to bring reformation to a church which has compromised the vital foundational role of Genesis.

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