User-friendly theology

Roger Carswell  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 1998
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Our Awesome God
By Ken Campbell
Christian Focus Publications. . 160 pages. £
ISBN 185 792318 9

Our Awesome God is described as: 'A user-friendly approach to the character and nature of God. Each of the 12 chapters looks at one aspect of God's character, reviews the doctrines that flow from it and discusses an appropriate response.' There are chapters such as 'Who made God? - the attribute of aseity', 'Why is there not Nothing? -the attribute of creativity', and 'The How-To God - the attribute of wisdom'.

Ken Campbell is a professor in the biblical Studies department of Belhaven College, Jackson, in the USA. I imagine Our Awesome God was designed as a stepping stone to greater things, as a help for the very new Christian or young teenager. Most of it is written quite simply. There are some good thoughts expressed. There is a plentiful scattering of illustrations and quotations, but they left me feeling that they were included to make an easy read, for I did not always see how they connected with the point being made. Sometimes I felt that big issues were treated far too superficially, and that the discussion questions at the end of each chapter did not stimulate the reader to think more deeply, but merely to reiterate what had just been read.

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