The Doctrine of Humanity

Gordon Bridger  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Apr 1997
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By Charles Sherlock IVP. 303 pages.

This book is one of a series published by IVP under the general title 'Contours of Christian Theology'. It is written in non-technical language, and designed primarily for theological students, ordained ministers and other thoughtful Christians.

The author is an Australian who lives and works in inner-city Melbourne. He was formerly a lecturer in theology at Ridley College, Melbourne. His wife is also ordained. He writes from a biblical perspective that is deeply rooted in personal experience and an acute awareness of contemporary society. So this is no dry-as-dust theological textbook. It addresses the question: 'What does it mean to be human?' in a biblical and contemporary way.

Dr. Sherlock writes with two foci in mind. The first is a theological one. The second looks to human experience.

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