The Beatitudes for Today

Christopher Bennett  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 1996
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By John Blanchard
Day One Publications
263 pages £7.95
ISBN 0 90254 867 0

John Blanchard has written a plain exposition and application of Matthew 5-1.12. After a slow start - three chapters on the introduction in verses 1-2 and two on verse 3 - he gives us one chapter on each Beatitude, dealing with verses 10-12 together. He writes to build up the ordinary Christian reader.

As usual with this author, the writing is crystal clear and well-ordered. Furthermore he is at his racy best, with hardly a dull moment: explanation of the text is rapidly followed by statements of doctrine, illustrations galore, good quotations, and incisive application. It is a truly excellent book. So to get home the point that mercy has defective hearing when rumours are flying around, we are reminded of Spurgeon saying: 'My blind eye is the best eye I have, and my deaf ear is the best ear I have' (page 180).

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