Men, Women and Authority

Elizabeth Catherwood  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Dec 1996
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Edited by Brian Edwards
Day One Publications. 259 pages. £7.99
ISBN 0 902548 71 9

It has often been said that in these days it is very difficult to be a truly biblical Christian woman. Now, however, it is increasingly asserted that it may be even harder to be a good Christian man. Many questions are asked: what are the respective roles of men and women in the church/family? What does submission really mean? Is there such a thing as evangelical feminism? . . . and so on.

With a desire to answer such questions and to deal with them in a way that is both Scriptural and practically relevant, Day One Publications have brought out Men, Women and Authority as one of their 'Facing the Issues' series. As they say in the general preface: 'This series is written with the general reader in mind, and the books do not assume a background training in theology', so this volume is readable and wide-ranging, with a broad knowledge of the contemporary literature on the subject and an excellent bibliography at the end of each chapter in order to stimulate further reading.

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