What Price The Lottery And Who Pays For It?

Geoff King  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Sep 1996
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By Keith Tondeur
Monarch. 160 pages. £6.99
ISBN 1 85424 349 7

Just as we could take abortion as not only a sad fact but also a metaphor which illustrates the spirit of the age, so we can with the National Lottery. It has highlighted the greed, the selfishness and desire to escape in a society of gamblers.

Keith Tondeur looks at the subtleties of the way gambling is marketed as a virtue. There is the sop to the conscience under the guise of giving to a good cause. But it is, in fact, the enticing of 90% of the population into a bad bet buttressed by the emotional pressure that 'it could be you'. It is, as the book tells us, a tax on despair and government taxing by the back door.

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