Knowing Christianity

John Nicholls  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 Jan 1996
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By J.I. Packer Eagle. 197 pages. £5.99

A new book from Jim Packer is always an event. But when it is entitled Knowing Christianity it is bound to raise the expectations of the multitudes who have benefited from Knowing God over the years. They will not be disappointed. Packer has not lost his touch. He remains one of the best writers of popular but thoughtful theology.

The present book covers a variety of subjects, from the knowledge of God to the untruth of universalism. While there is no clear thread linking them together, they all relate to the challenges and responsibilities facing Christians today. In a short review, it is impossible to summarise every topic Packer covers, but some chapters stand out.

In 'The Holy Spirit and Christian Growth', Packer highlights three common mistakes about spiritual growth: (i) 'to suppose that growth in grace is measurable', (ii) 'to suppose that growth in grace is a uniform process', and (iii) 'to suppose that growth in grace is automatic'.

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