Privacy Policy

What we do with that data and what the legal basis is

We use your personal information in the following ways:

To provide you with your copy(ies) of en

When you ask us to supply you with en, or someone sets up a gift subscription on your behalf, we have entered into a form of contractual arrangement with you and this is the legal basis on which we use information about you: 

To take payment and to send en to you by post or give you access to en-online;

To contact you in relation to your supply of en to ask you if you wish to continue to receive en or have access to it online; when it is time to take another payment or to alert you to the next issue being available; to highlight particular articles to you; to contact you up to 12 months after your supply stops to ask if you would like to restart.

To publish your advertising in en

When you ask us to place advertising in en, we have entered into a form of contractual arrangement with you and this is the legal basis on which we use information about you: 

To take payment for the advertising and to send en to you by post so that you can see your advert;

To contact you in relation to your advertising, for example to see if you wish to renew your series of adverts; to contact you up to 12 months after your last advert was published to see if you would like to place another advert.

To publish your article in en

When you ask us to publish an article and we agree to do so, or when we ask you if we can publish your article and you grant us permission, we have entered into a form of contractual arrangement and this is the legal basis on which we use information about you: 

To publish your article in the newspaper or on en-online. To contact you by post or email to thank you for writing your article and to send you a copy of the newspaper or to give you access to it on en-online.

To contact you in relation to your article, for example to see if you wish to write another article or if we are asked by a third party if they can re-publish your article.

To contact you in regard to any aspect of en.

If you have received en in the past or requested a sample copy of the newspaper or trial access to en-online or placed an advert or supplied us with an article or if your contact details have been publicly available, for example on the website of another Christian organisation who have a similar doctrinal basis as en, it is in our legitimate interests that we market any aspect of en to you and that is the legal basis on which we use information about you. It is in our legitimate interests because you have had some involvement with us in the past or because we believe, based on where we have found your information publicly available, that you may well be interested in the work of en.