Dan Walker on faith and reputation

Milla Ling-Davies  |  People
Date posted:  1 Oct 2024
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Dan Walker on faith and reputation

After being cleared of misconduct at Channel 5, TV presenter Dan Walker has declared that his ‘strong faith’ is what enables him not to care about his reputation.

In March 2024, news broke that Channel 5 had brought in investigators following a complaint from a colleague of Walker. He has since been fully exonerated due to a lack of evidence to support the allegations, commenting to The Telegraph: ‘I’ve got a strong faith, and I know that I have value, and my value doesn’t come from what people think or say about me’.

An industry source told The Sun that Dan was ‘devastated and totally stunned to be dragged into [the investigation]’ and that he had ‘known about the complaint last year but was initially told all claims related to events before he joined Channel 5’. He admitted to The Telegraph that waiting for the result of the inquiry hadn’t been easy, adding: ‘But I know I’m not that person so… there’s days you worry about that but also you know that that’s a picture you don’t recognise, and nobody you’ve ever worked with recognises.’

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