Giving thanks for the life of Timothy Dudley-Smith

Luke Randall  |  People
Date posted:  29 Oct 2024
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Giving thanks for the life of Timothy Dudley-Smith

Timothy Dudley-Smith

A thanksgiving service for the life of Timothy Dudley-Smith was held at St Andrew the Great Church, Cambridge, following his death in August, aged 97.

The renowned bishop and hymn-writer was remembered in tributes by his three children and some friends, before Giles Walter preached on Psalm 146, with church vicar Alasdair Paine leading the service. Dudley-Smith’s daughter-in-law Becky sang I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live, and son-in-law David Gill led prayers. His son James said: ‘Gratitude for the gospel is even greater in the midst of grief, and our hearts were lifted through every part of the service.

‘His family are so grateful to everyone who helped us, as we celebrated our earthly father’s life, love and faith, and our heavenly Father’s comfort, care and grace.’

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