In Depth:  womanhood

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Reformed women ask: what is a woman?

Reformed women ask: what is a woman?

Natalie Brand

The Reformation Fellowship has hosted its second theological conference for women. The subject of the conference was ‘What is a Woman? A Biblical Theology’ led by Dr Ros Clarke, who was the keynote speaker.

Dr Clarke, associate director of Church Society and adjunct lecturer at Union School of Theology, outlined a Biblical theology of woman from creation and revelation to salvation. Clarke carefully defined woman as ‘a human being, created by God for the purposes of revealing (together with men) what God is like, showing us how God loves and saves us, and what the eternal woman, the bride of Christ will be like.’ From this a typology of unfaithful Israel and redeemed Zion as bride of the Lord was developed.

Should women teach? Another view

Should women teach? Another view

Andrew Bartlett

In a second article on the issue of women preaching in the local church, Andrew Bartlett responds to Tom Schreiner (en March 2020)

Kat spoke up in class at seminary. A male student shouted: ‘Just stop!’ He saw her participation as a danger. ‘I have one question for you,’ he said. ‘Why are you even here?’

Women at work

John Benton

The government believes it should be providing pre-school day care for most children.

But what are the issues involved in returning to the workplace for Christian women?

Men and Women, Created or Constructed - the Great Gender Debate

John Marsh

Book Review MEN AND WOMEN, CREATED OR CONSTRUCTED: The Great Gender Debate

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