In Depth:  war

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We need divine help more than ever, Ukraine pastors say

We need divine help more than ever, Ukraine pastors say

Iain Taylor Iain Taylor

Only divine intervention can bring about a lasting peace in Ukraine, church leaders there say.

That’s the message from a mission organisation working in the heart of the ongoing and bloody conflict caused by Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion.

Do Gaza Christians face extinction?

Do Gaza Christians face extinction?

Iain Taylor Iain Taylor

A Gazan Christian fears he may be one of the last Christians ever to have lived in the territory.

Embrace the Middle East is a Christian development agency that works to tackle poverty and injustice across the region. It currently works with Christians in Egypt, Iraq, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, supporting various health, education and community projects which bring vital services to those at risk of marginalisation and exclusion.

Churches destroyed, thousands displaced

Churches destroyed, thousands displaced

Iain Taylor Iain Taylor

Christians working in Mozambique are becoming increasingly concerned about the human cost of the wave of violence now sweeping south across the country.

The persecuted-church agency Open Doors reports that over 70,000 people, mostly women and children, have been displaced from their homes in northern Mozambique following a sharp rise in attacks by Islamist militants.

Russian and Ukrainian Christians urge peace

Russian and Ukrainian Christians urge peace

Iain Taylor; Evangelical Focus; Financial Times

With tensions remaining high in the region despite Russia’s recent military pullback from the Ukrainian border, evangelicals on both sides of the border have spoken out wanting peace.

The Russian Evangelical Alliance has led calls to ‘restore the peaceful relations between the peoples of both countries’, while churches in Ukraine have been encouraged to ‘pray and fast for the peace in our land’.

Gaza bombs filmed by prayer group

Gaza bombs filmed by prayer group


Dramatic footage of Israeli air strikes on the Gaza strip was captured by Christians from an outreach organisation to Muslims, who were about to begin a prayer meeting.

Members of the Hope For Ishmael ministry – which was founded by former terrorist sniper Tass Abu Saada after he came to Christ – were gathering for evening prayers on Zoom when their team leader managed to grab pictures of a huge nearby explosion.

Pray for us, say Armenian evangelicals,   as war reporting is hindering outreach

Pray for us, say Armenian evangelicals, as war reporting is hindering outreach


In a Facebook post, the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East is calling on its partners throughout the world to join them and all Armenians in their call for justice and peace.

Further, it is urging people to pray to Almighty God to ‘let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream’ (Amos 5.24) in response to ongoing problems in Nagorno-Karabagh, a region disputed by Armenia and Azerbaijan.