In Depth:  USA

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US election

Date posted: 26 Sep 2024

Dear Editor,

While agreeing with seven points raised by Richard Morgan in his article ‘If you’re a Bible-believing evangelical Christian, you WILL vote for Trump’ in the September edition of en, it seems to me that, sadly, American Christians must feel completely disenfranchised with what is on offer in their November elections.

Karen Swallow Prior and the ASP

Karen Swallow Prior and the ASP


‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,’ is a reasonable comment sometimes made about human beings’ propensity to fiddle with things that are already working quite well, thus making them worse.

But what about US politics? Few would argue that the system is working well, or that the choice of candidates being offered in presidential elections over the last decade or so (perhaps much longer, in fact) is particularly edifying, inspiring or encouraging – especially from a Christian point of view.