New Egyptian app helps 120,000
With churches closed due to the Covid
lockdown and
large events prohibited,
Bible work in Egypt fell significantly in
2020. But the digital world came to the
rescue, with remarkable results.
In January 2020, before
the pandemic
struck, The Bible Society developed a new app guiding people to read though the whole
Bible in a year. By December, 5.7 million
chapters had been requested by 121,392
different users.
imperfect parenting
Do you FULLY know the dangers of digital?
'Imperfect Mum'
The purpose of writing anonymously is to enable me to be freer in how I write and what I write about. To be more honest about my parental failings and limitations and more open about the difficult topics facing parents.
Such as the dangers of children accessing pornography. We had a challenging Sunday recently (the evil one does tend to favour the Lord’s Day to test Christians, don’t you think?). It was a relatively short-lived incident but raised many issues for us as parents.
Prayer app
sees record
growth in Covid
The PrayerMate
app has
seen growth
during 2020 with record numbers of users
in March and April.
Reaching a total of 444,000 downloads,
there were 42,000 active users at the height
the UK
lockdown. The PrayerMate
community prayed
for over 19 million
in 2020 which
is over 1.6
million items per month.
Technology and the vision of a Christ-centred cosmos
A technological revolution is happening in the way information is handled. It has been happening for at least 20 years but has achieved a level of impact and accessibility to make everybody sit up and take notice.
The modern world could be defined not as the Bronze or Iron Age but as the Ink Age – because words were the most powerful resource, beginning with the Renaissance and Reformation, through the Enlightenment and into the era of mass media through radio, television and information technology. This trajectory already indicates that words have been turned into pictures and images as a primary form of communication.