Carers’ network launched
Luke Randall
A new Christians in Care (CIC) network has been launched to ‘connect Christians working across the care sector in the UK’.
The network was launched by elderly-care charity, Pilgrims’ Friend Society, and their website details how the network enables Christians working in the care sector to join WhatsApp groups and meet virtually to chat, share, and pray together, seeking to ‘encourage and inspire one another to live and speak for Jesus’.
Shock poverty report is wake-up call
Luke Randall
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is offering free budgeting help to struggling families, following the findings of a shocking study on UK poverty.
The charitable organisation, which works to help people in poverty, is training over 900 church volunteers to become ‘money coaches’ enabling them to provide budgeting advice to struggling families in their communities.
How should we respond to the world’s poorest?
Living in a post-Covid, post-Brexit UK has been, and will continue to be, challenging. Considering these realities, how is the Christian and the church in the UK to respond to the suffering of the poor, not only in this country, but in other nations too?
There is a fascinating encounter in Acts 10 that shows the gospel door to the Gentiles being flung wide open. What necessitated this glorious opportunity was an encounter in heaven wherein a memorial was brought before God consisting of the prayers of Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, and a copy of his financial records – specifically, that he gave much to the poor. It’s also interesting to note that Cornelius was stationed in the region of Israel during Rome’s occupation. This was not an easy time for anyone, and yet Cornelius’ financial generosity can be seen overflowing to those who were of a different nationality and who, to some degree, were antagonistic and unsupportive of who he was and what he represented.
Spiralling energy prices: how can churches respond?
On 19 July I was staying just ten miles away from Conningsby in Lincolnshire when the temperature reached 40.3C, the hottest ever recorded in the UK.
As I write, temperatures are no longer scorching, but is still warm and we face the prospect of a drought. The winter months seem far off, but we know it won’t be long before the nights draw in and we need to turn the heating on. However, many are already living in fear of that day because of impending increases in the energy price cap.