safeguarding briefing
When a leader is investigated…
Emma Lawson
Content warning: this post contains information about responding to reports of harm and abuse which some readers may find triggering. Please take care when reading.
You find out that a Christian leader who has influenced your faith is under investigation and has stepped back from ministry in the meantime. How does this make you feel? Confused? Shaken?
Safeguarding concerns
Iain Taylor
Justin Humphreys, joint CEO of safeguarding charity thirtyone:eight, says safeguarding issues and/or bullying involving senior leaders remains widespread across the faith spectrum.
He told en: ‘The problem is far wider and deeper than we have seen so far, with undoubtedly many more cases yet to surface. But, despite some recent examples, conservative evangelicals do not have a worse problem than other parts of the church. Although abuse may manifest itself differently in different denominations, harm and abuse knows no boundaries.’
safeguarding briefing
A checklist for your Holiday Bible Club
Emma Lawson
Holiday clubs are a fantastic opportunity to put on fun activities for children and young people, especially young people who may feel lonely, isolated and bored.
But any holiday club, residential or camp, should be carefully thought through and the safety and wellbeing of children put at the forefront of all your activities. Doing this requires forward planning.
Bullying and exclusion: Why evangelicals need new C of E structures
It is still being assumed by those pursuing change in the Church of England that we can simply ‘agree to disagree’ over matters of same-sex marriage and blessings. In practice, this means that the permission not to use the Prayers of Love and Faith is a sufficient provision and that either no or minimum structural rearrangement is necessary.
This, however, remains a theological ostrich with its head in the sand. How can the Church of England simultaneously say that same-sex marriage and blessings are both sinful and holy? And as someone who holds to a globally acknowledged Biblical position on human sexuality, my conscience will not allow me to simply accept a Church of England that blesses sin as if it were holiness.