In Depth:  Royal Family

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What does a Scriptural analysis of the King's Speech show?

What does a Scriptural analysis of the King's Speech show?

James Mildred James Mildred

On Wednesday, King Charles delivered the Labour government's first King's Speech in the House of Lords. Part of the State Opening of Parliament, the speech set out the new government's priorities for the months ahead. This was a speech designed to demonstrate that the new government means business. Themed around Labour’s five key missions, there are a grand total of 40 Bills, with four of these being draft ones.

Labour’s missions are as follows: secure sustained economic growth, make Britain a clean energy superpower, build an NHS fit for purpose, make Britain’s streets safe, and break down barriers to opportunity at every stage.

The Coronation... Fidei Defensor … Defender of the Faith: really...?

The Coronation... Fidei Defensor … Defender of the Faith: really...?

Steven Hanna

That phrase is quite possibly being hotly debated again as King Charles takes his Coronation oath. In fact, King Charles has signed up to it already and had it declared as one of his titles at his accession on the death of the late Queen.

Fidei Defensor is Latin for ‘Defender of the Faith’ and it is seen on all British coins in the abbreviated letters F.D. or FID. DEF. (I will leave others to do their own reading on the fate of the ‘Godless Florin’ of 1849 if your interest so inclines).

The Coronation... how diverse could the May 6th service be?

The Coronation... how diverse could the May 6th service be?

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

It’s not who you are – even if you’re the King of England – or who participates; it’s what you do – that’s the red line if the Coronation service is to be legally compliant, a church minister says.

In the weeks leading up to the Coronation, there were reports that King Charles and church leaders disagreed about the participation of other faiths, including Muslims, in the Coronation. The King has reportedly expressed a desire for a diverse ceremony – but the Church of England’s ‘Canon Law’ rules restrict what can take place during a Coronation service.

The Coronation ... how should this event bring us back to the Bible?

The Coronation ... how should this event bring us back to the Bible?

Gary Clayton

If the King’s Coronation service follows the pattern of that of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, His Majesty Charles III will be handed a copy of the Bible as part of the ceremony. But, out of the hundreds of different English language translations, who knows which version it’ll be?

Imagine you were interviewed or gave an important talk which was reported throughout the world. If it was translated into 723 different languages, you’d probably be flattered.

Why I am not a monarchist

Why I am not a monarchist

Steve Kneale

In October’s en we carried an article by Professor Gerald Bray about the institution of the monarchy. It concluded by saying: ‘Evangelicals … are fortunate indeed to be the heirs of such a strong and enduring tradition.’ We stated at the time that there is an alternative, very legitimate, evangelical republican view which we now carry in this article.

Before you release the hounds, it’s important to say from the outset I was approached and asked to write this.

UK in transition: ‘What we’re praying for the new King and PM’

Rebecca Chapman Rebecca Chapman

How three Christians responded to the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the appointment of Prime Minister Liz Truss.

Mike Royal, the evangelical General Secretary of Churches Together in England (see en, December 2021):

UK in transition: A resilient Crown?

UK in transition: A resilient Crown?

Gerald Bray Gerald Bray

The sad demise of Queen Elizabeth II inevitably invites reflections on the institution of monarchy and its prospects under her successor.

Speculation has been going on for some time, but now we have reached a turning point that cannot be ignored. Monarchy as we know it traces its origins to the Germanic tribes that invaded the Roman Empire and set up states that have endured in recognisable forms to the present day. The kings and chiefs of those tribes were often regarded as shamans, even as descendants of gods, who had special spiritual powers that bound the people together. When they became Christian, those rulers had to abandon such pretensions, but the Church filled the void thus created by claiming the right to legitimise monarchs as servants of Christ, endued by Him with the power and authority to govern their people in secular affairs.

UK in transition: Four days before she died, the Queen was given a cross…

UK in transition: Four days before she died, the Queen was given a cross…

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

On Sunday 4 September 2022, the Rev Iain Greenshields, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland enjoyed lunch with Queen Elizabeth II having pondered: ‘What can you give to the person who has everything?’

He had in mind her material wealth, but the truth is – she was rich beyond measure by reason of the one thing that counted: her steadfast faith in the King of Kings. And it is this faith, so manifestly central to the Queen’s life, that’s now being mentioned numerous times by commentators.

Death of Queen Elizabeth II and accession of the new King

Death of Queen Elizabeth II and accession of the new King

en staff

In three separate items below, we reflect on Isaiah 6, consider the Queen's faith, and see what evangelical leaders are saying.

David Baker, en's Senior Editor writes: The passing of a monarch – the end of an era, bringing with it uncertainty, questions and a sense of change.


Querying the Queen

Date posted: 1 Jul 2022

Dear Editor,

In response to the article about the Queen and her faith in Jesus I felt (May en) compelled to write.

Five fascinating facts about Her Majesty The Queen

Five fascinating facts about Her Majesty The Queen

Alison Mitchell

As the Platinum Jubilee approaches, it is worth considering how remarkable Queen Elizabeth II actually is.

During her reign she has worked with 14 British prime ministers and met every US president since Harry S. Truman (except for President Lyndon B. Johnson). She has also met chart-topping pop stars, medal-winning athletes, and knew the Bible teachers Billy Graham and John Stott. Her travels have taken her to over 110 countries across six continents, making her Britain’s best-travelled as well as longest-reigning monarch.

The faith of Prince Philip, the Queen – and you…

The faith of Prince Philip, the Queen – and you…

Guest Columnist

Danny Webster

His great aunt is a saint of the Russian Orthodox church, he was worshipped as a god by a small tribe on the island of Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean, and for the past 74 years was married to the head of the Church of England.