In Depth:  porn

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‘Shocking’ porn statistics

‘Shocking’ porn statistics

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

Shocking numbers of children are addicted to online porn and political action must be taken, the charity CARE has warned.

Around 60% of under-18s are addicted to online porn, according to research from Paracelsus Recovery – which also revealed a 150% increase in people being treated for porn addiction between 2019 and 2023.

Evangelical agency urges action on porn

Evangelical agency urges action on porn

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

Online pornography involving women and children could be treated in all cases as commercial sexual exploitation, if recommendations by cross-party MPs are accepted by government.

CARE, the evangelical charity which campaigns for better online safety, has also urged the government to implement MPs’ recommendations. A recent inquiry led to parliamentarians concluding that existing legislation is ‘wholly inadequate’, and recommended that pornography ‘must’ be treated as commercial sexual exploitation and a form of violence against women. This approach has already been adopted in Scotland.

Porn app row

Iain Taylor Iain Taylor

Pornography-blocking apps often promoted in Christian circles are hitting back after Google suspended two of the most widely-used programs from its phone store.

The technology giant suspended Covenant Eyes and Accountable2You apps from the Google Play store after an article in Wired magazine branded them ‘shameware’.

PM’s porn vow is ‘bizarre’

Nicola Laver, The Times

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told a committee of MPs he supports stricter curbs on extreme porn, two years after dropping legislation that would have introduced significant restrictions.

The Commons Liaison Committee put to him that the ease of access to extreme, violent and degrading pornography underpins male violence against women. He conceded that ‘people are coarsened and degraded by this stuff ’. Johnson acknowledged that this included the need to protect children from online extreme violent pornography.

Help… I married a porn addict

Help… I married a porn addict

Dear Editor, I am sending in this heartfelt article in the hope that you will publish it and that those who read it will either step up and try and provide support for people like me or, should they be addicts themselves, that something will resonate with them and cause them to go and get help. Due to its subject matter and the honesty with which I have tried to write, I hope you will understand why no name comes with it. In Him, a hurting wife and mum who loves the Lord and can’t find a way out of this deep pit that I’m in.

My memory is blurred and all the journaling I’ve done over the years has long found its way into the recycling as I tried to begin again; each time I thought we’d reached a stage when this part of our journey was over. But it just seems to keep on coming.

Help curb access to porn
politics & policy

Help curb access to porn

James Mildred James Mildred

Not that long ago, the UK Government committed an unfathomable U-turn by deciding not to implement bold new legislation to prevent children accessing online pornography.

Part 3 of the Digital Economy Act would have required users to provide some form of identification to prove that they are over the age of 18 before accessing explicit content. It would also have ensured an operational regulator with powers to crack down on websites hosting illegal extreme pornography.

Urgent action is needed  to address child access  to online porn
politics & policy

Urgent action is needed to address child access to online porn

James Mildred James Mildred

Exactly a year ago, the UK Government performed one of the most extraordinary U-turns of the last 20 years.

On 16 October, Nicky Morgan told the House of Commons that plans to introduce age verification for online pornography were being abandoned, despite MPs and Peers approving the scheme and the regulations required to implement it.