In Depth:  Philippines

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Philippines: Health & wealth preachers hear gospel
letter from the

Philippines: Health & wealth preachers hear gospel

Reuben & Cathy Saywell

There is no debate about whether or not the Philippines is a religious country; the question is, which religion exactly?

A quick search online will tell you the answer is ‘Christianity’. In fact, the Philippines is claimed to be the only Christian nation in Asia. The vast majority profess to be Roman Catholic, and much of the rest belong to one of hundreds of home-grown cults and sects, even one which claims the divinity of their national hero, José Rizal who, though martyred during the Spanish-American war 127 years ago, is yet believed to someday return to deliver his followers from poverty and oppression.

Philippines: One year on, a new church plant
letter from the

Philippines: One year on, a new church plant

Reuben & Cathy Saywell

One year here and the Lord has not only given us a clear mission to keep us busy, but also continued provisions to keep us going and countless blessings to keep us praising.

Just before our family took the big step onto the mission field, we were reminded at our commissioning service that the God who sends is also the God who supplies. The same Jesus who was described as Immanuel at His incarnation is the One who, at His ascension, was self-identified as the God who will be with us always, even to the end of the age. What a comfort to have studied, sensed, and seen that promise to be true over the past 12 months as missionaries, thousands of miles from home.

Philippines: Tagalog – a labour of love for the gospel
letter from the

Philippines: Tagalog – a labour of love for the gospel

Reuben & Cathy Saywell

Starting is easy, but continuing is hard.

While that may not be true in everything, when it comes to pioneering a new work in a needy area like Bulacan we have started to discover that, although it has been relatively simple to begin a work, it is much more challenging to keep it going when the novelty of those first few months wears off and discouragements arise. That being said, we have been wonderfully blessed to be gathering weekly in three different areas of our town, Santa Maria, with dozens of unbelievers hearing the gospel for the first time, and some seemingly close to conversion.

Philippines: Mosquitoes, prison, tribes: mission in action today
letter from the

Philippines: Mosquitoes, prison, tribes: mission in action today

Reuben & Cathy Saywell

Some say that the first few months of long-term mission work are all about survival. Looking back, by God’s grace, we have managed a little more than that. As expected, we’ve had our fair share of highs and lows already.

It would seem that, since our arrival, blessings and trials have been handed out in equal measure. But all in all, we feel very much that the Lord is at work in Santa Maria, equipping us as we seek to be a witness for the truth to those trapped in false religion, and enabling us to take our first steps towards the planting of a church in this spiritually needy district of Bulacan.

letter from the


Reuben & Cathy Saywell

So it begins. A new life as missionaries, 7,000 miles from home, in the far east country of the Philippines – in particular, a densely populated municipality named Santa Maria, about 15 miles north of the capital city.

This is a work that my wife and I have been preparing for and praying over for almost a decade. The two of us met as teenage freshers at Aberystwyth University, and from then until now, every day, from that very first meeting, we have had the call for gospel witness in this needy nation heavy upon our hearts. And now, at last, we’ve made it!