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God at work - even in Benidorm
letter from Spain

God at work - even in Benidorm

Trevor Ramsey Trevor Ramsey

It started as a normal Friday. We had gathered in the rented church building in Benidorm to remember our Lord’s death with the breaking of the bread - a service which we held every Friday morning. It was just a small gathering but we are always aware that we are honouring Christ and always expectant for lives to be changed.

About 20 were about to start worshipping the Lord when a young lady walked in. She was bilingual with an English mother and Spanish father - one of the thousands of similar individuals along Spain’s famous Costa Blanca.

How a vision led Muslim Sakina to faith

How a vision led Muslim Sakina to faith

Graham Miller

The most recent Annual Population Survey found 1.25 million followers of Islam in London – that’s one in eight Londoners.

If, by God’s grace, the gospel is to flourish among these people – Bangladeshis in East London, Arab-speakers in West London, and Turkish and Iranian communities – it will be due to ordinary Christians faithfully and patiently building relationships, breaking down misconceptions, living and speaking the teaching of Jesus.

Multiple baptisms at new church plant

Multiple baptisms at new church plant

Association of Grace Baptist Churches (SE)

Thirty people have gathered to witness the constitution of Grace Church Walthamstow in North East London, and the induction of ’Wale Akinrogunde as the pastor.

Formerly known as Church Hill Baptist Church, the original church was founded in 1633 and stood as the oldest Reformed Baptist Church in London, but sadly closed down in 2014. It was agreed that efforts should be made to replant a church in the same building.

Saudi jihadist converts to Christ 
 after vision of the cross

Saudi jihadist converts to Christ after vision of the cross

Nasser, who was born and raised on the eastern coast of Saudi Arabia, longed to die for Allah by waging jihad, and thus improving his chances of making it into Paradise. But along the way he converted to Christ, website Godreports has revealed.

At the outbreak of the war in Kuwait in 1990, Nasser was in the USA. ‘I was surrounded by infidels. You either make a war against them or you try to bring them into Islam another way. I thought Allah brought me here to evangelise them.’ He saw some people converted to Islam and renounce Jesus.

Syria: how one Muslim  woman came to Christ

Syria: how one Muslim woman came to Christ

Open Doors

‘Let the world see that I love the Lord Jesus. He said whoever is ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of him in front of my Father. So why would I be ashamed of Him? He is my refuge and the shelter of my children!’ (Nisreen, Qamishli, Syria)

These are the powerful words of Nisreen, a believer from a Muslim background. She is clearly filled with the love of Christ and Jesus has clearly been calling her since she was young: ‘The love of Christ was planted in me since I was little,’ she says. ‘I used to see how Christians’ behaviour is better than ours. I’ve always liked Christians and I used to say to my parents: “There is something connecting me and Christians”.’

60 baptised in east China

60 baptised in east China

China Christian Daily

The Zhouguang Church has held a baptism for 60 people from the west pastoral area in Longgang City, Wenzhou, China’s eastern coastal Zhejiang Province.

Those baptised came from six different churches. After they passed a test demonstrating their faith, local pastors baptised them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Evangelical leads couple to faith in chance Rome meeting

Evangelical leads couple to faith in chance Rome meeting


An English evangelical led a German man and his Bolivian wife to Christ after he met them by seeming chance in the very highest point of St Peter’s Roman Catholic basilica in the Vatican.

Greg Downes, Director of Ministerial Training, and Dean of The Wesley Centre for Missional Engagement at the evangelical training college, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, says:

Ukraine: Jewish people turning to Jesus

Ukraine: Jewish people turning to Jesus

Christian Witness to Israel

Approaching 30 years after the Ukraine left the Soviet Union and gained its independence, scores of Jewish people are reported to be turning to Jesus as they reject decades of communist teaching when they were raised as atheists and forced to deny the existence of God.

Over the last several years missionaries have recorded increasing numbers of Jewish people coming to faith and many of these have been from Ukraine or from a Russian-speaking background. Misha, a Christian Witness to Israel missionary (and Russian-speaking Ukrainian Jewish person himself), highlighted the story of Kayla, a Jewish woman who approached him when she saw he was reading an article from a Christian magazine. Misha took time to share his faith and after they had met many times for Bible study, Kayla gave her life to Jesus.