60 baptised in east China
The Zhouguang Church has held a baptism
for 60 people from the west pastoral area in
Longgang City, Wenzhou, China’s eastern
coastal Zhejiang Province.
Those baptised came
six different
churches. After they passed a test demonstrating
their faith, local pastors baptised them in the
name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Evangelical leads couple to faith in chance Rome meeting
An English evangelical led a German man
and his Bolivian wife to Christ after he met
them by seeming chance in the very highest
point of St Peter’s Roman Catholic basilica
in the Vatican.
Greg Downes, Director of Ministerial
Training, and Dean of The Wesley Centre
for Missional Engagement at the evangelical
training college, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, says:
Ukraine: Jewish people turning to Jesus
Christian Witness to Israel
Approaching 30 years after the Ukraine left the Soviet Union and gained its independence, scores of Jewish people are reported to be turning to Jesus as they reject decades of communist teaching when they were raised as atheists and forced to deny the existence of God.
Over the last several years missionaries have recorded increasing numbers of Jewish people coming to faith and many of these have been from Ukraine or from a Russian-speaking background. Misha, a Christian Witness to Israel missionary (and Russian-speaking Ukrainian Jewish person himself), highlighted the story of Kayla, a Jewish woman who approached him when she saw he was reading an article from a Christian magazine. Misha took time to share his faith and after they had met many times for Bible study, Kayla gave her life to Jesus.