In Depth:  Moldova

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‘Please preach for as long as you want!’
letter from Moldova

‘Please preach for as long as you want!’

Donald J Morrison

Горячий христианский привет каждому читателю! Translated from Russian, this reads: Warm Christian greetings to every reader!

It is now just over 20 years since I made my first mission trip to Moldova writes Donald J. Morrison. One afternoon at the London Theological Seminary (LTS) compound in London, a Moldovan friend – with whom I was studying – asked if I would do him a ‘very big favour’. Sometimes we discover that swiftly saying ‘yes’ without any rational thought can have far reaching and widespread consequences! What was this ‘very big favour’? Would I drive a 15-seater bus, gifted by a London church, to his home town, Cahul in Moldova! Always open to a new challenge, I volunteered to go! The six-day epic journey was memorable – in more ways than one! After travelling through seven countries, and encountering mega ‘border problems’ we finally reached our destination, having covered 1,840 miles! Since then, we have been back many times. Before providing a report about my very latest trip, let me give you a brief overview of the country.