Teenagers, mental health and the gospel
If you ask any teenager today to summarise in a word what they think of the state of the world, I doubt you would get one positive answer in a thousand.
Recently, in my sixth form PSHCE class, the teacher started the lesson off with that question, and sure enough the answers were immensely depressing. ‘Racist’, ‘Sexist’, ‘Classist’, ‘Empty’, ‘Dying’, ‘Pointless’ – by the end, the teacher seemed slightly taken aback at the dark direction his ‘think about the world’ exercise had taken!
Countering anxiety in young people with the gospel
How can we help young people become more resilient?
We have all heard some of the statistics, but you only have to think of a person whose child is in their teens or twenties and is ill with anxiety. 100 percent of their heart is broken, and that is the only statistic that really matters.