In Depth:  marriage

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Outrage as nine-year-old girls can marry in Iraq

Outrage as nine-year-old girls can marry in Iraq

Luke Randall
Luke Randall

New legislation allowing girls as young as nine to be married in Iraq is a “grievous violation” of children’s rights and “perpetuates a cycle of oppression” against women in the country, an Open Doors source says.

New amendments to Iraq’s Personal Law, passed by an alliance of Shia Muslim parties, legislate that Islamic courts now have jurisdiction over family matters. This includes marriage, divorce, child custody and inheritance, scrapping safeguards which have protected women and girls in the Middle Eastern country since the original law’s passing in 1959, and making it home to the lowest age of consent in the world.

Traditional marriage teaching removed from curriculum
letter from Dublin

Traditional marriage teaching removed from curriculum

Lois McCrea
Lois McCrea

Of concern to evangelicals is the recently updated Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum which is taught in all secondary schools across the Republic of Ireland.

The new SPHE curriculum for junior cycle students (aged 12–15) was updated in September 2023. Students engage in 100 hours of SPHE teaching over three years and the first cohort of students is now in the second year of the programme. The senior cycle curriculum for students aged 16–19 was updated in September 2024 and covers 60 hours of teaching.

When church planting puts a marriage to the test

When church planting puts a marriage to the test

Dan Steel
Dan Steel

There’s no doubt that church planting is personally costly.

Both the organised events and organic needs can be costly: whether it’s the ongoing reality of evening meetings and early mornings, the weighty mental ‘to-do lists’, or the growing number of pastoral burdens or stress and uncertainty about the future and the viability of the project. Will we have enough money? Somewhere to meet? Enough people? What will this thing look like in 12 months-time?

The CofE's 'trojan horse' changing the doctrine of marriage

The CofE's 'trojan horse' changing the doctrine of marriage

David Shepherd
David Shepherd

In June 2022, Aldershot Military Cemetery Chapel (not far from where I live) hosted a service of remembrance for Falklands veterans from the Parachute Regiment. That service is held every five years.

Baptist Union to remain orthodox on ministers’ marriages

Baptist Union to remain orthodox on ministers’ marriages

Iain Taylor
Iain Taylor

Evangelicals are celebrating after the Baptist Union (BU) reaffirmed that its ministers cannot be in same-sex marriages.

The decision was taken by the 90-strong BU Council following extensive discussions of what it termed its ‘Ministerial Recognition Rules on Ministry and Marriage’. That process included a survey of Baptist Churches and ministers that was ‘designed to give Council a clearer picture of how our churches are engaging with issues of marriage and sexuality’ – including same-sex marriage.

Children and this wrong-headed idea of marriage

Children and this wrong-headed idea of marriage

David Shepherd
David Shepherd

In the light of the Church of England’s current situation, let us ask ourselves about the societal purpose of marriage.

When you think about it, the State does not regulate or require an official record any other type of personal relationship, except marriage. You’re not required to register yourself with the authorities as someone’s friend, or even as someone’s sibling. The latter is just inferred from the fact that two children have been born to the same couple.

Tipping points: loveless marriages & abusive churches

Tipping points: loveless marriages & abusive churches

Karen Soole
Karen Soole

en continues to seek to provide a forum for us all to learn as broadly as possible from sinful and shameful abusive actions. Our foremost thoughts and prayers must be with the survivors and victims.

It is the straw that broke the camel’s back. The final straw is small; it barely weighs anything but, added to the burden already carried, it crushes.

Apologetic about marriage?
politics & policy

Apologetic about marriage?

James Mildred
James Mildred

At the beginning of the year, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York apologised because of a Church of England document which said marriage is between one man and one woman.

There followed a strong backlash from the evangelical community. Given that the statement simply articulated the historic, orthodox, theological and Biblical position of the church on the question of God-honouring sex for the last 2,000 years, it did strike me as odd, if not downright absurd, that the Archbishops felt the need to say sorry.


Christian marriage

Date posted: 1 Jul 2020

Dear Editor,

I have been reading much of the June 2020 issue of en today, especially as I am ‘shut in’ by the issues surrounding the Covid-19 virus. I was interested to see how several letters and articles have provoked us to think again about matters that we have taken for granted. Many of these are matters that brothers and sisters in other countries have had to live with because of the environ-ment (physical and spiritual) in which they live. We should be able to pray for them more intelligently.