letter from Latvia
Gospel grows as Latvia opens to the world
John Woods
My Spring trip to Latvia coincided with the Ice Hockey World Championships. Ice Hockey is a big deal in Latvia, so we readjusted our lunch break in our School of Preachers seminar to fit in watching the first quarter of Latvia’s semi-final against Canada.
We saw Latvia score once, but after that they suffered a heavy defeat. The next day sadness turned to joy when tiny Latvia beat the mighty USA in the bronze medal play-offs. The Latvian Parliament met in special session on that Sunday evening and agreed, a few minutes before midnight, to declare the following day a bank holiday! The next morning tens of thousands of people gathered around the Freedom Monument in the centre of Riga to greet the national team. The last time I witnessed crowds like that in Riga was when President Bill Clinton visited in June 1994. When he said ‘Brivibas’ (Freedom) there was a huge cheer, and another when he said: ‘Never again will hostile foreign troops occupy Baltic soil’!
letter from Latvia
Ukrainian amputees with gospel hope
John Woods
One of the questions I am asked whenever I return from Latvia is: ‘What is the mood in Latvia at the moment?’
The question relates to the fact that Latvia shares a land border with Russia and has many historical reasons to be anxious about the intentions of its larger neighbour.
letter from Latvia
Festive feast for multi-cultural fellowship
John Woods
Life at Communitas International Church in Riga is never predictable. This is the church I attend in Riga. It meets at the Latvian Biblical Centre in downtown Riga. With over twenty nationalities from all five continents in the congregation, each week has its surprises.
The last Sunday in November concludes with an American style Thanksgiving lunch, but the turkeys are cooked in American, Latvian, Croatian and Indian Style. There is corn bread and Naan Bread, Roast potatoes and Basmati rice, pumpkin pie, and Latvian pastries. It was a meal that tantalized and challenged the taste buds!