In Depth:  Keswick 24

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'Record numbers' at Keswick Convention announced

'Record numbers' at Keswick Convention announced

en staff; Keswick Ministries

Keswick Convention organisers are sharing their thanksgiving after the close of a successful event this summer saw what they describe as 'record numbers of visitors in recent years'.

This year’s Convention - which focused on the theme of Resurrection - welcomed an estimated 13,000 people to the site across three weeks to hear Bible expositions, and to worship together and spend time in the Lake District. Thousands more worldwide joined sessions online through livestream.

Keswick 24: In victory and defeat, what does sport teach us?

Keswick 24: In victory and defeat, what does sport teach us?

Graham Daniels and Jonny Reid

This summer, thousands of athletes will compete in Paris with seemingly a united goal, to win gold for their country. 100 years ago in Paris, two world-class sprinters lined up with two very different perspectives on why achieving that gold medal was important.

Englishman Harold Abrahams ran the 100m, winning the gold medal after his great rival Eric Liddell withdrew due to the heats being scheduled on a Sunday. Liddell would go on to run his less-favoured event, the 400m, win and redefine the event forever.

Keswick 24: Feeling spiritually dry?

Keswick 24: Feeling spiritually dry?

Mark Ellis Mark Ellis

I know what it’s like to feel dry. To feel Jesus is distant. To know in my head I couldn’t be closer; that my life is now hid in Christ. But not to sense that in my heart. To feel my eyesight is clouded and my heart is stale.

And the Keswick Convention is not the answer to my problem. But it can help. Because our good God gives us many ways to bring our hearts closer to the sunshine of the gospel; many ways that will melt our hearts as we look to Jesus. And what I love about the Convention is that it’s like an oasis. It’s an opportunity to be refreshed. And then sent back out again.

Keswick 24: Imagining our resurrections

Keswick 24: Imagining our resurrections

Mark Meynell Mark Meynell

Since the Church’s earliest years, believers have rejoiced in a sublimely simple statement: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.

That is no mere objective truth. This ancient truth has now become our truth. The gospel makes it personal. Paul insisted in his letter to the Roman Christians that ‘if we have been united with [Christ] in a death like His, we will certainly also be united with Him in a resurrection like His’ (Rom. 6:5). In other words, where He goes, we go.

Keswick 24: Hope-filled conversations  with our children

Keswick 24: Hope-filled conversations with our children

Amy Smith Amy Smith

We were off to the zoo! My four young children were in the car, we’d waved Dad off to work, the buggy and picnic were packed. As we reached the motorway, a little voice, full of worry, asked: ‘Where are we going and how long for?’ In all my preparation I’d missed a key moment – I hadn’t talked to the children! Four little people had no idea what was happening.

For one little boy, for whom all the events of moving from foster care to his new adoptive home was a conscious memory, this was a problem. He was understandably worried that he was leaving home and might not see Dad again. Without his question, I might have missed what was going on. Instead, my awareness of my son’s heart meant I could wrap him in a hug and say: ‘You are our little boy, God has given you to us and us to you, you are home with us.’

Keswick 24: God is at work today in the least expected places

Keswick 24: God is at work today in the least expected places

Femi Adeleye Femi Adeleye

Two years ago, I was invited by the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, to speak at the Joshua Generation International Youth Conference (JGIYC). It was to take place at the National Stadium in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria.

When I was told 30,000 young people were expected at the five-day event, I had some reservations. To my pleasant surprise, there were about 33,000 young people in attendance, and they were all irrepressible in their response. At least one third committed their lives to serving God’s purpose in their generation.