In Depth:  interview

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Ten questions with: Donald John MacLean

Ten questions with: Donald John MacLean

en staff

Donald John is an elder at Cambridge Presbyterian Church and President of Westminster Seminary UK as well as Professor of Historical Theology. He is also a trustee of the Banner of Truth and Tyndale House.

1. How did you become a Christian?

Ten questions with: Layo Obembe

Ten questions with: Layo Obembe

en staff

Layo lives in London and says of herself: ‘I am joyfully culturally British and of African descent. I fill my time by working in Parliament as an Organisational Development Consultant, working for my church part-time and being an aunty, sister, daughter and friend.’

  1. How did you become a Christian?

I don’t remember! I’m privileged to have been brought up in a Christian family, and I have grown to understand my need for Jesus as my Lord and Saviour over the years. It’s been a long and incredible adventure being a disciple.

Christopher Ash: Christ, the Psalms and us

Christopher Ash: Christ, the Psalms and us

John Woods
John Woods

Following the publication of the new book, The Psalms: A Christ-Centered Commentary, en reviews editor John Woods spoke to the author, Christopher Ash, at Tyndale House.

Christopher is a Scholar-in-Residence at Tyndale House in Cambridge.

Ten questions with: Dan Steel

Ten questions with: Dan Steel

en staff

Dan Steel is the Principal of Yarnton Manor, and was formerly the pastor of Magdalen Road Church for a number of years.

1. How did you become a Christian?

Ten questions with: Natalie Williams

Ten questions with: Natalie Williams

1. How did you become a Christian?

Once-in-a-generation Lausanne Congress gathers for fourth time

Once-in-a-generation Lausanne Congress gathers for fourth time

Milla Ling-Davies
Milla Ling-Davies

In a magnificent display of unity, over 5,000 Christians from across 202 countries and territories gather in Seoul, South Korea this September. Together they will pray, listen, and discuss how Christians across the world can fulfil Jesus’ command in Matthew 28 to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’.

This ‘once in a generation’ event is run by the Lausanne Movement, which exists to mobilise Christians to collaborate in order to fulfil the Great Commission. This gathering, their fourth Congress, is only the fourth time such meeting has taken place since the movement was formed in 1974.

Ten Questions: We need generous liberty

Ten Questions: We need generous liberty

10 questions with Sophie Killingley

1. How did you become a Christian?

These stories are never straightforward, are they? As a kid I loved the Jesus I found in my stories and Bible but, growing up in church, this got crowded out by fear, shame and a kind of religious scrupulosity where I was desperate to please the church leaders, and a Jesus that was never satisfied.

‘Refresh yourself constantly in knowledge of the glory of God...’

‘Refresh yourself constantly in knowledge of the glory of God...’

John Woods
John Woods

en reviews editor John Woods speaks to Michael Reeves. Reeves oversees the work of Union School of Theology, and teaches in the areas of systematic and historical theology and also on preaching and spiritual formation. He is a local church minister, Director of the European Theologians Network, and speaks and teaches regularly worldwide. Previously he has been Head of Theology for student organisation UCCF and an Associate Minster at All Souls, Langham Place. He is married to Bethan and they have two daughters.

JW: What do you do when you are not preaching, teaching or writing?

Ten questions: Christ is coming soon

Ten questions: Christ is coming soon

Carolyn Lacey

1. How did you become a Christian?

I grew up in a Christian family and heard the gospel taught regularly at church. When I was 11, I was challenged during an evening service about my need to respond to Christ personally because I was more sinful than I knew and couldn’t clean myself up. I understood then that only Jesus’ sacrifice was sufficient to pay for all my sin, and I repented and expressed my trust in Him alone for salvation. I experienced great joy and assurance in knowing my sin was forgiven forever.

Pain: what’s love got to do with it?

Pain: what’s love got to do with it?

Nicola Laver interviews Amy Orr-Ewing for en

There are few certainties in life, but one thing is sure – each one of us will both experience and observe suffering. Christians are never promised a life free of pain and anguish, but with the steadfast hope and comfort that we have in God we can comfort others.

‘The church is less honest than the  Bible about unanswered prayer’

‘The church is less honest than the Bible about unanswered prayer’

As a new edition of God on Mute is published, en speaks to its author, Pete Greig

Pete Greig arrives a few minutes late online for our interview, having grappled – as we all do – with some issues relating to Zoom.