'Come and behold Him' this Christmas
Emily Lucas
Now that advent has dawned, the time of year has come to warrant talk of Christmas. Favourite traditions, favourite films all evoking memories of Christmas past.
2013 was probably my most memorable Christmas Day as my first child was born during the early hours. However a close second was December 2009 and singing 'O Come all ye Faithful, Joyful and Triumphant' as the opening hymn to mine and my husband’s Christmas wedding.
the ENd word
Incarnation – then and now
Jeremy McQuoid
‘God spoke the Incarnation and then so was born the Son. His final Word was Jesus, He needed no other one. Spoke flesh and blood so He could bleed and make a way divine. And so was born the baby, who would die to make it mine.’ (Michael Card, The Final Word )
The Incarnation is both a glorious mystery that leaves the greatest scholar scratching her head, and the most practical, earthy motivation for all our local church ministry. Scripture teaches that Mary was the ‘envelope’ in which the Holy Spirit placed the foetus of Jesus of Nazareth, the ‘Word made flesh’.