In Depth:  Germany

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Germany: Gay partnerships resisted

Germany: Gay partnerships resisted

Luke Randall Luke Randall

Evangelicals in Germany are standing firm on the issue of homosexual partnerships – declaring that they ‘do not find approval from a Biblical perspective.’

At its National Board, Union of Free Evangelical Churches (FeG) President Ansgar Hörsting called for members to seek unity as recommendations regarding the question of homosexuality were set out for member churches. He told the 400 delegates in attendance that ‘the relationship with God in Jesus is a firm foundation, and the Holy Spirit works and gives people orientation and support.’

Church planter and Bible student wins ‘Miss Germany’

Church planter and Bible student wins ‘Miss Germany’

Iain Taylor Iain Taylor

The new Miss Germany, Kira Geiss, is a committed Christian. She has won a title that, according to the organisers, is no longer about beauty alone, but also about social engagement and the ability to empower other people.

‘I think it is time to not only take care of the healthy maintenance of our planet, but also to actively engage in allowing people to heal and grow internally’, she says on the Miss Germany website, where she is described as a ‘theology student, aspiring religious and community educator, and visual merchandiser’.