In Depth:  forgiveness

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Are we falling into the trap of 'selective forgiveness'?

Are we falling into the trap of 'selective forgiveness'?

David Robertson David Robertson

In May I wrote about the danger of neglecting Biblical church discipline and instead replacing it with the world’s methods.

It seemed to me an entirely non-controversial article and yet it turned out to create more of a stir than most things I write! The irony was that an article which suggested we should avoid doing church discipline through social media – was condemned and critiqued on social media!

How can we mend broken relationships?

How can we mend broken relationships?

Carl Chambers

Book Review RELATIONSHIPS: How do I make things right?

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USA: forgiveness in court

USA: forgiveness in court


These are the words of Brandt Jean, brother of Botham Jean, a man shot dead in his apartment in Dallas in September 2018 by a female police officer. The officer had entered what she thought was her apartment and mistook him for an intruder. They were spoken in the courtroom to the officer.

‘I hope you go to God with all the guilt, all the bad things you may have done in the past. Each and every one of us may have done something we’re not supposed to do. If you truly are sorry … I forgive you. And I know that if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you.

Iraq: ISIS 

Iraq: ISIS forgiven


A new documentary released in June shares the story of a 13-year-old refugee from Iraq, who is rebuilding her life there after saying she forgave the ISIS terrorists that swept through her country.

Myriam was interviewed in 2014 when she was nine years old and living in a refugee camp in Kurdistan, northern Iraq, after fleeing ISIS terrorists. She captured the hearts of millions with a message of hope and forgiveness. Now, five years after ISIS overran Iraq, Myriam and her family are back home in the largest Christian town – Qaraqosh. Sequel In the documentary, of Hope, Myriam shares how her faith has sustained her. The film also shows the power of hope in Qaraqosh, which recently celebrated Easter with a vibrant procession amid the ruins.

Cameroon: forgiven

Religion Today

The widow of a missionary who was killed in the Autumn said she forgives the man who shot her husband.

Stephanie was riding in a car with her husband Charles Truman Wesco when he was shot in the head during a firefight between separatists and soldiers in Cameroon.

Forgiveness­ at Christmas

Forgiveness­ at Christmas

Jonathan Worsley


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India: praise & forgiveness

India: praise & forgiveness

Morning Star News

A pastor in Uttar Pradesh has forgiven his attackers despite losing hearing in one ear after Hindu extremists tortured him, pressured police to falsely charge him and prevented doctors from treating him in late September.

Pastor Abhay Sagar, 37, of Biswan town in Sitapur District, was about to begin preaching when he was attacked. 25 men from Hindu extremist groups Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad barged into the schoolroom where the congregation was meeting, according to the pastor’s wife.

USA: murderer forgiven

Religion Today

The daughter of an elderly man whose murder was recorded in a Facebook live video has forgiven her father’s murderer and says that through her testimony of forgiveness, people are coming to faith, it was reported in April.

Debbie Godwin, the daughter of 74-year-old Robert Godwin who was murdered in Cleveland, Ohio, while his assailant streamed the crime on Facebook live, made news when she did an interview and expressed her forgiveness for her father’s killer.

Forgiveness was new to us, but not to our language
Choosing your Words

Forgiveness was new to us, but not to our language

Camilla Lloyd

In Bible translation, it’s not always obvious how something should be expressed in the local language.

Sometimes the word you need doesn’t exist. The local language may, for instance, have seven different words for potato, but no word for glory. So, what to do? Sometimes you can expand the meaning of a word that’s already part of the language, sometimes you need to introduce a new word, and at other times God has something else in mind and it’s been right under everyone’s nose all along.

Turkey: forgiveness impact

Religion Today

A pastor in Turkey made headlines when he chose to forgive a group of Muslims who damaged his church in August.

He did not press charges against the Muslim men who broke windows and damaged a security camera at the rented building. The extremists were reportedly angered that the church was leading Muslims away to Christianity.

Finding forgiveness

Finding forgiveness

Calvin Peat

Film Review BEN-HUR

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Pakistan: parents forgive

Pakistan: parents forgive

British Pakistani Christian Association

A Christian girl was killed in January after she and two friends shrugged off the advances of young drunken Muslim men from one of the elite areas of Lahore, Defence Colony.

Kiran (17), Shamroza (18) and Sumble (20) were walking home after a hard day’s work, on their way to their deprived Christian community in Baowala. They had set off at 9 pm on 13 January to get home quickly before it got too unsafe. However, they were accosted by four allegedly drunk Muslims in a car, who harassed them to get into the car for ‘a ride and some fun’.


en staff

A teacher, stabbed by a 14-year-old pupil, gave praise to God for his survival and forgave his attacker in the mid-summer.

Vincent Uzomah spoke powerfully outside Bradford Crown Court after the unnamed boy was sentenced to six years in custody and a further five years on licence. Uzomah was stabbed in the stomach at Dixons Kings Academy on 11 June.

How we are forgiven

Jonty Allcock

Book Review HIS BLOOD WORKS The meaning of the word ‘blood’ in Scripture

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True repentance and forgiveness

The pastor of a young church shares his experience of making a tough choice.

Four years ago, a young and inexperienced church planter had a difficult decision.

Can we forgive terrorists?

John Mosey

EN: Tell us about your background.

JM: I was born in Coventry. I worked in the technical publications department of Sir W.G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd.

I became a Christian through the American evangelist Billy Graham being relayed from Harringay in London to the Methodist Central Hall in Coventry. I decided that this was what I was seeking and that I needed to repent of my sinful nature and receive God’s forgiveness through Christ.

Challenge to forgive

Mary Stolarski


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Good Friday forgiveness

John Benton

Back in 2003, Detective Constable Stephen Oake was murdered in an incident at an asylum seeker’s house in Manchester. When his father Robin Oake, a senior police officer and a Christian, was asked at a press conference what he thought of the man who had killed his son, he said calmly: ‘I forgive him.’ His reply caused astonishment among the journalists.

Christianity promises forgiveness to people and forgiveness is a hallmark of true Christianity. So we read, ‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you’ (Ephesians 4.32).

Terrorism and forgiveness?

Terrorism and forgiveness?

John Benton

July 7 brings the first anniversary of the terrible atrocity when four fanatical suicide bombers blew themselves up on the London transport system killing many innocent people.

Since that horrendous event I have often pondered the story of the Rev. Julie Nicholson who lost her daughter Jenny in the Edgware Road attack. In March it was reported that she had resigned her post because she found it too hard to forgive the murderers. ‘It is very difficult for me’, she said, ‘to stand behind an altar and celebrate the Eucharist and lead people in words of peace and reconciliation and forgiveness when I feel very far from that myself.’ One feels both the greatest sympathy for her and at the same time real admiration for the transparent integrity displayed in her decision to resign.

Forgiveness on the screen

Eleanor Margesson

Seeing as spring is more or less here, I decided to have a bit of a clear out of my film magazines.

Five years of back copies has taken up valuable space that is now needed for toys and baby clothes. As I flicked through the front covers, I was struck by the range of themes that the mainstream Hollywood films use to woo us into the cinemas: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and The Matrix may all use special effects and multi-release strategies to keep us interested but they also run with themes and ideas that transcend space or Middle Earth and connect with human everyday experience. Love, grief, self-doubt, heroism are all present in many blockbusters and often linking them all together is the theme of forgiveness. In order for relationships to continue in the midst of the immense stresses of the plotlines, forgiveness needs to be alive and well. Frodo and Sam need to forgive each other throughout their journey with the tricksy Gollum, Ron has to forgive Harry for his failures in friendship and so on.

Can Christians forgive?

Sue Sainsbury

Who's the most important person in the world? What a question, it's obvious . . . I am, Sue Sainsbury writes.

We live in a world of selfishness and disposable love, of serial monogamy: the tacit understanding that I'll love you (whoever you are, friend or mother, as well as lover) as long as you're useful to me and then move onto the next person.

Why forgiveness?

Fred Catherwood

In the early 1970s a colleague of mine found himself Permanent Secretary of the new Northern Ireland Office. I took him out to lunch to find out how he had got on.

I said: 'I hope you realise it is a political conflict, not a religious one'. He said: 'I learned that straightaway'.

Iran - what happens when Christians forgive

Elam News

The story of Farzin, as heard by an Elam mission team, is very moving ...

Farzin was returning home in Shiraz, on his motorbike, perhaps a little fast, when a young boy of about 11 suddenly appeared in front of him. Knocking the boy over, he fell off his bike and was grazed. The boy, though, was unconscious.

Learning To Forgive

Val Maidstone

Book Review By Glenn Myers

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