In Depth:  Europe

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Gen Z in Europe: more devout than their elders?

Gen Z in Europe: more devout than their elders?

Milla Ling-Davies Milla Ling-Davies

A survey shows that Europeans born after 1997 are more spiritual than their elders.

The Global Religion 2023 survey, conducted by market research service Ipsos, interviewed 19,000 people in 26 countries. It has revealed that ‘in countries where religious practice is high, older adults tend to engage in it more than the young, while in countries where religious practice is low, young people tend to have higher engagement.’

Gospel integrity vital, Euro forum told

Gospel integrity vital, Euro forum told

Iain Taylor Iain Taylor

In times of secularisation and confusion, the church needs to recover its integrity and a desire to proclaim the gospel boldly. These were the main messages heard at the 2023 European Leadership Forum (ELF) conference, in Wisla, Poland, recently.

‘Gospel integrity is a major need for the church now’, theologian Michael Reeves (England) told the 750 participants on the first evening. ‘The moral deficiencies and spiritual dryness that Christians bemoan, have roots’, he said. ‘We are astonished when evangelical leaders fail’, but this only shows that often evangelical leaders ‘minimise sin and offer shallow repentance’.

Europe: different strands of evangelicals work together

Europe: different strands of evangelicals work together

Joel Murray

More than 600 church workers from 41 countries and four continents have attended the European Leadership Forum (ELF).

The mission of ELF, which was held in Wisla, Poland, is to ‘unite, equip and resource evangelical leaders to renew the Biblical church and evangelise Europe’. Their desire is for different evangelical groups to work together to achieve more than any single organisation can on their own.

Europe 2021: new mission report out

Europe 2021: new mission report out

Iain Taylor Iain Taylor

Covid-19 is an opportunity for European mission agencies to reflect deeply once again on the meaning of mission in today’s world.

One of the key questions it raises is whether it has made sense to have invested so heavily in huge buildings, since social distancing restrictions have forced many churches to think about how to make small gatherings work, not just big ones.