In Depth:  environment

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Raw sewage, clear streams – and the gospel of the King
earth watch

Raw sewage, clear streams – and the gospel of the King

Paul Kunert
Paul Kunert

This week sees yet another instalment in the UK water company saga. In 2023, untreated sewage was discharged for 3.6 million hours into our lakes, rivers and seas.

Only 15% of English rivers are in good ecological health. Who’s going to pay to have them run clear? To teem again with living creatures? Thames, Anglian, United, etc.? Their customers? Their shareholders? (Spoiler alert: As a veteran of a regulated industry, I’m sorry to say, it’s us, the bill-paying customers. Profiteers took advantage of a cheap sale and hands-off regulation to make super-returns. But they’re long gone, together with the cash. Poor policy and regulation time and again leaves customers to pick up the pieces.) And, moreover, what does the gospel of Jesus Christ have to say?

How ‘nigh’ really is the  end of the world?
earth watch

How ‘nigh’ really is the end of the world?

Paul Kunert
Paul Kunert

Well, there you have it! The numbers are in! The award for the hottest year on record goes to… 2024! Beating previous award-winning 2023, it racked up an impressive 1.6 degrees hotter than the pre-industrial average. In fact, the world’s been on a record-breaking streak for some time now: the top ten hottest years occurred in, well, the last ten years.

But we won’t just look back on 2024 as yet another record-breaking year in a long run of unwelcome records. We’ll look back on it as the first year our world breached 1.5 degrees, the so-called ‘safe limit’ of heating.

Creation care: It is a gospel issue, although not a salvation one

Creation care: It is a gospel issue, although not a salvation one

Chris Wright & Dave Bookless

We appreciate the article ‘Is creation care a gospel issue?’ by John Samuel and Richard Buggs in the January issue of en, and share their concern that the phraseology of the Cape Town Commitment might be mistakenly interpreted as ‘adding works to grace,’ and thereby ‘undermining’ the message of the gospel itself.

That is certainly no intention of ours, or indeed of the Lausanne Cape Town Commitment, which elsewhere in Part 1.8 defines the gospel of grace very strongly in terms ‘trusting in Christ alone … on the work of Christ and the promise of God.’


Creation care: we shouldn't divide gospel issues and lifestyle

Date posted: 28 Jan 2025

Dear Editor,

Having written about creation care myself and doing my best to bring the need for creation care to a largely materialistic Christian Church, I was confused by the article ‘Is creation care a gospel issue?’ by John Samuel and Richard Buggs in the January edition of en.

Why aren't Christians leading on climate change?
earth watch

Why aren't Christians leading on climate change?

Paul Kunert
Paul Kunert

Donald Trump is now President of the most economically powerful nation on the planet and – the President-elect is self-avowedly no friend of God’s creation.

He has signed an order to withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change and has pledged to roll back Biden’s clean energy law, the Inflation Reduction Act. And he’s doubling down on oil and gas: ‘Drill, baby, drill’.

Wildfires: Climate change is ‘here & now’

Wildfires: Climate change is ‘here & now’

en staff

Leading climate scientist and evangelical Christian Katharine Hayhoe says the wildfires causing devastation in California are a stark reminder of the reality of climate change today.

Hayhoe, currently Chief Scientist for The Nature Conservancy, a non-profit international charitable organisation, says Los Angeles County was ‘tinder dry’ after receiving only 0.16 inches of rain since last May and experiencing ‘an unusually warm summer’.

Is creation care a gospel issue?

Is creation care a gospel issue?

John Samuel & Richard Buggs

If Jesus is Lord of all the earth, we cannot separate our relationship to Christ from how we act in relation to the earth. For to proclaim the gospel that says ‘Jesus is Lord’ is to proclaim the gospel that includes the earth, since Christ’s Lordship is over all creation. Creation care is thus a gospel issue within the Lordship of Christ.

These words occur in the Cape Town Commitment, published in 2011 by the Lausanne Movement. They were read at a plenary session of the Lausanne Congress in Seoul in 2024, by theologian Christopher J.H. Wright. These words clearly contain much truth, but the phrase ‘creation care is thus a gospel issue’ provoked some discussion at the Congress.

After COP 29: evangelical scientist claims ‘history on our side’

After COP 29: evangelical scientist claims ‘history on our side’

Emily Pollok
Emily Pollok

‘Gravity, history, and progress’ make the drive to clean and green energy unstoppable, says leading evangelical climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe as the COP 29 gathering concluded.

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference began on 11 November in Baku, Azerbaijan and ended on 22 November.

Down to earth Christianity: Getting our hands dirty

Down to earth Christianity: Getting our hands dirty

John Woods
John Woods

Book Review A BIT OF EARTH: A year in the garden with God

Read review

Climate ‘alarmism’

Date posted: 1 Apr 2024

Dear Editor,

I am surprised that David Golding (letters, en February 2024) should resort to describing those holding my opinion as ‘sinfully complacent’. I assure him that I am deeply passionate about this subject and, although I have many faults, being complacent isn’t one of them. For the record, I spent 16 years as a trustee of an evangelical relief agency. 

Sound the warning, heed the alarm

Sound the warning, heed the alarm

David Golding

The prophet Joel commanded the people of his day,  'Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain.' (Joel 2.1)

In our day, reasons for alarm are all too apparent. The average global temperature last year was the hottest ever recorded: 'What we’ve seen with 2023 is off the charts' (Gavin Schmidt, director of Nasa’s Goddard Institute in The Guardian). 'I want you to panic…,' said Greta Thunberg in 2019; now, after last year, no description seems too extreme for even experienced scientists. 

Special places?
earth watch

Special places?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Recently my church has been studying the opening chapters of Genesis, and although the focus was on male and female relationships, I couldn’t help noticing again the commands to fill the earth and subdue it (Gen. 1: 28) and to work the garden and care for it (Gen. 2: 15).

Taken together, this has given humanity a cultural mandate to develop society, using the resources provided by the earth, but also a creation-care mandate, to nurture the earth that provides our God-given home.

Climate hope – if promises  are kept, say evangelicals

Climate hope – if promises are kept, say evangelicals

Iain Taylor
Iain Taylor

Even as it opened, the UN Climate Change Conference COP 28 was making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

The BBC revealed claims that hosts, the United Arab Emirates, were planning to make oil and gas deals with 15 other countries at the event. Despite that, many Christian groups were represented there, some as part of the Christian Climate Observers Program, a non-denominational Christian presence advocating for God’s creation. All are, perhaps, encouraged by the fact that COP28 for the first time featured a ‘faith pavilion’. Evangelicals Now spoke to four leading Christian environmental organisations about their hopes and fears for the conference.

Are we doomed?
earth watch

Are we doomed?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

‘We’re doomed’, a catchphrase familiar to viewers of Dad’s Army, might have been Private Frazer’s reaction to the recent State of Nature 2023 report, the first for four years.

It’s a comprehensive analysis of trends in wildlife abundance and distribution in the UK, produced by more than 50 nature conservation organisations.

Forty years of The Rock
earth watch

Forty years of The Rock

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Forty years ago, in southern Portugal, an unlikely new Christian venture began. Two Christian couples from the UK founded a centre in an old farmhouse in the Algarve to put into practice the Christian call to care for creation.

Nobody had done anything like it before. A Rocha (Portuguese for ‘The Rock’) is a welcoming, cross-cultural Christian community with a focus on science and research, practical conservation and environmental education. You can read the full story in Peter Harris’ Under the Bright Wings, which inspired me to visit in the 1990s and remain involved ever since.

The toll of roads – on us
earth watch

The toll of roads – on us

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Do you remember noticing more birdsong during the Covid lockdown? You weren’t imagining it.

Scientists who were studying the impacts of traffic noise on the songs of urban white-crowned sparrows in San Francisco found that their songs – normally louder, higher-pitched and less complex – reverted to the quieter, lower and more complex songs of their rural cousins, and could be heard more than twice as far.

Hot, hot and hotter still
earth watch

Hot, hot and hotter still

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

It’s that time of year again. I didn’t plan it this way, but each year as I write September’s column, the news seems to be full of heatwaves, drought, floods and fires.

Here are four global climate records that have been broken this summer which should concern us.

Christian climate scientists speak out

Christian climate scientists speak out

Iain Taylor
Iain Taylor

The summer heatwave across the northern hemisphere has seen almost uncontrollable forest fires break out from Canada to China, Algeria to Greece, as soaring, record temperatures hit the high-40°sC.

But as soon as the flames were doused, the question on many people’s minds was – to what extent are these record thermometer levels the result of human-made climate change?

The great disconnect
earth watch

The great disconnect

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Recently it’s been a delight to welcome some children from our church family to help on the allotment.

There’s nothing like digging up worms when you’re six years old, or watering young plants in the hot weather (I’m referring to the lettuce, not the children). As I’m sure every parent knows, getting children out into nature is good for them. It really isn’t just clever advertising by the makers of washing detergents.

What’s in your garden?
earth watch

What’s in your garden?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

From the DNA in our bodies to far-distant galaxies, Creation is amazing, incredibly diverse and complex.

The same is true just for the variety of wild plants and animals on the Earth, which scientists call biodiversity. The relationships between species are part of what makes biodiversity so fascinating, with flora and fauna designed to play unique and specific roles in different habitats like woodland, grassland, or the oceans.

Rivers of filth are flowing
earth watch

Rivers of filth are flowing

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Is cleanliness next to godliness? Apparently, this phrase may have originated with John Wesley who thought that being a Christian was no excuse for slovenliness.

Although many of us took great care with cleanliness during the pandemic, these days we don’t naturally associate hygiene with being a Christian, despite all the Old Testament laws on cleanliness. Maybe we’re all too aware of Jesus’ condemnation of the Pharisees who were obsessed with the ritual hygiene laws, and have rightly taken to heart the importance of being spiritually clean. Pharisee alert over, that doesn’t mean we should neglect matters of personal or domestic hygiene.

Feather-brained folly?
earth watch

Feather-brained folly?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

If you look round a typical Sunday congregation, I suspect you won’t see many women wearing hats.

Although you would never have seen my granny in church without a hat, with changing fashions, and perhaps a more relaxed interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11: 13, it’s a rare sight other than at weddings. But in the 1880s hats were de rigeur for women, and the latest millinery fashion that was storming polite society was hats with feathers. Feathers of birds like grebes and egrets, and in more extreme cases even whole birds, adorned voluminous headgear in late Victorian and Edwardian society.

Hairstreaks and habitats
earth watch

Hairstreaks and habitats

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

One of my simple pleasures in life is going for a walk in a bluebell wood in Spring. It’s something I really missed when living in Africa, and during lockdown, so we try to make an annual pilgrimage to a local wood.

We pick a time when the wood is covered with a blue carpet of flowers, together with pale yellow primroses and white wood anemones. It’s a joyful Creation experience.

Biblical biodiversity?
earth watch

Biblical biodiversity?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

In December last year, the much-delayed UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) finally took place in Montreal, Canada (see November’s en).

After nearly two weeks of intensive talks, representatives of 188 governments approved a new set of goals to guide global action up to 2030 – to halt and reverse nature loss. This agreement rejoices in the snappy title of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.


The earth will wear out – why bother renewing it?

Date posted: 1 Mar 2023

Dear Editor,

Dave Gobbett’s article ‘Jesus’ return and green issues’ (December 2022) seems to ignore much of the teaching of Scripture regarding the earth and the end times. Whilst it is evident from Scripture that we should be good stewards of our planet, should we be spending £billions patching up the earth which we are told in Isaiah 51.6 will wear out like a garment and, in Psalm 102:25-26, that the heavens and the earth ‘will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment, like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded.’ In Revelation 21, the apostle John saw a new heaven and a new earth and, in verse 5, God says ‘I am making everything new’.

Cumbrian coal mine
earth watch

Cumbrian coal mine

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

A few weeks before Christmas, controversy exploded in the environmental world when the government gave planning permission for a coalmine in Whitehaven, Cumbria. It would be the first new coalmine in the country in 30 years.

Now the UK would not be what it is today without coal, a bountiful source of concentrated energy which has been exploited since Roman times. Plentiful supplies powered the Industrial Revolution and led to the creation of close-knit mining communities from the South Wales Valleys to the Clyde.

Resolutions revolution
earth watch

Resolutions revolution

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

January is traditionally the time of year for making resolutions. Why don’t you make some which are good for creation?

Here are ten things you could do for the planet in the next 12 months. They’re not in any particular order; some I’ve touched on in previous articles, some I haven’t.

Climate deal lacks cash, says evangelical

Climate deal lacks cash, says evangelical

Iain Taylor
Iain Taylor

A key pact made at the COP27 Climate Summit in Egypt doesn’t have enough money behind it to make it work, according to an evangelical climate expert.

Andy Atkins, chief executive of green Christian organisation A Rocha, said of the ‘Loss and Damage Agreement’ – designed to compensate poorer countries suffering from climate change:

earth watch

Since 1970: 69% gone!

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

One of my favourite children’s books is Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpens’ Wonderful Earth!

It’s a joyous and beautifully illustrated celebration of the wonder and diversity of creation. And sometimes creation is just gloriously weird; who could forget creatures such as the football fish, the weedy seadragon or the pink fairy armadillo? Wonderful Earth! is in part an imaginative reworking of Psalm 104, which celebrates the greatness of the Creator and His creation. There are wild donkeys quenching their thirst from mountain streams, cedars of Lebanon where the birds nest, hyraxes taking refuge in the crags, lions roaring for their prey and Leviathan frolicking in the vast sea, which teems with creatures beyond number.

Eight million threatened
earth watch

Eight million threatened

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

What do Glasgow, Sharm El Sheikh, Kunming, and Montreal have in common? Shipbuilding cities? Exotic holiday destinations? Which is the odd one out, and why do they matter to the future of the planet?

You may remember the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow last year. The follow-up conference will be taking place shortly in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El Sheikh where there will be an assessment of whether countries are doing enough to tackle climate change (almost certainly not, according to the independent think tank Chatham House).

Avian flu: what should I do?
earth watch

Avian flu: what should I do?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

I once saw a question on the popular gameshow Pointless where the contestants had to identify a seabird with four letters, _ k_ _. It’s not a common bird so I wasn’t surprised that no-one got it, but the answer was skua, or to be more precise the great skua, Stercorarius skua.

They are large and rather thuggish seabirds which breed mostly on Scotland’s coasts and islands. In fact, Scotland is home to more than half their world population.

What will you do to adapt?
earth watch

What will you do to adapt?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

What did you do to stay cool this summer?

By the time you read this, I hope we’ll be heading into somewhat cooler weather, but at the time of writing, we’ve just experienced the hottest temperatures ever in the UK.

To fly or not to fly?
earth watch

To fly or not to fly?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

The summer holidays are here and I hope that, whatever you’re planning, you manage to have a really good break. If you’re heading abroad, as I will be soon, the chances are that you’ll be flying to your destination.

Before Covid, UK residents made over 58 million holiday visits abroad a year. There were almost 300million air passengers at UK airports. In the past couple of years during the pandemic these numbers crashed, but as restrictions have eased, and recent chaos at UK airports shows, people can’t get enough of flying abroad on holiday or to see family and friends.

Godly gardening
earth watch

Godly gardening

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

In the UK, we are a nation of garden lovers. We may not be Capability Brown, or even Monty Don, but two and a half million of us watch ‘Gardener’s World’ every week.

There are 23 million gardens in the UK, which if put together cover an area of a million acres, roughly one-fifth the size of Wales. That’s more than all our national nature reserves put together.

 scientist warns

Evangelical scientist warns

Iain Taylor
Iain Taylor

The world cannot adapt its way out of the climate crisis, and counting on adaptation to limit damage is no substitute for urgently cutting greenhouse gases, leading evangelical climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe (see photo) has warned.

Hayhoe, chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy in the US, professor at Texas Tech University, and Climate Ambassador for the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), said the world was heading for dangers unseen in the 10,000 years of human civilisation.

A story of hope
earth watch

A story of hope

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the enormity of the climate and ecological crisis.

‘Eco-anxiety’ may not be a medically-recognised condition, but it’s something many people can relate to, especially if they care deeply about the natural world. It’s important for Christians not only to share the hope we have in Jesus Christ, but stories of hope we can experience in the world about us. Indeed, secular communicators recognise that always harping on about the bad stuff only puts people off taking action, and so organisations working to care for creation need to tell positive stories (while not ignoring the bad news).

The mysterious hoopoe
earth watch

The mysterious hoopoe

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

There are some parts of the Bible which provoke questions that are clearly not essential for salvation.

The sort that, if mentioned in passing by a preacher, would distract me from the main point of the sermon, almost as if I spotted an extremely rare bird out of the window.


Climate reactions

Date posted: 1 May 2022

Dear Editor,

Just to say how pleased I am to see the interview with Sir John Houghton in the centre-page spread in the April issue of Evangelicals Now. Many thanks.

Spotting climate error
earth watch

Spotting climate error

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Do you have an EV? No, that’s not shorthand for an Evangelical or even a new English translation of the Bible, it’s an Electric Vehicle.

My recent purchase of an EV has got me pondering, in a strange sort of way, the importance of truth when it comes to creation care.

‘Hundreds of millions will be severely affected as… the climate changes’

‘Hundreds of millions will be severely affected as… the climate changes’

John Emyr & John Houghton

Back in 2014, Sir John Houghton (1931 – 2020) agreed to be interviewed by John Emyr. That interview was translated into Welsh and appeared in the Welsh-language magazine Cristion. It now appears for the first time in English.

JE: Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed. When, and under what circumstances, did you first acquire a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord?


Climate change

Date posted: 1 Apr 2022

Dear Editor,

Christians differ in their response to the ‘climate emergency’. Some, like David Golding that the (February en), accept ‘evidence is irrefutable’ that emissions from fossil fuels are endangering billions of people as the Earth heats up. Over recent years, reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have become more specific in attributing global warming to the release of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere.

Destructive dominion
earth watch

Destructive dominion

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

For many years I’ve run a lunchtime weekly Bible study in my workplace. Even though at times it’s felt a challenge to squeeze it in between all the other work meetings, it has been a blessing to meet regularly (at least by videocall) with other Christians who also work in my organisation.

We’ve been working our way through Luke’s Gospel and we recently came to Luke 12: 6-7: ‘Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.’ Jesus makes a similar point a few verses later about ravens.


Climate: risk and justice

Date posted: 1 Mar 2022

Dear Editor,

Some argue that the ‘facts’ about our ecological crisis are far from incontrovertible but surely there must be some risk, however small.

Birds on a high wire
earth watch

Birds on a high wire

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

In recent months, while the world’s attention has been on what we’re doing to the climate, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that – even aside from climate change – the rest of creation’s in a bad way as well.

We don’t always realise this. Over the last few decades we’ve been fed a diet of Attenborough documentaries which show an amazing world, but one seemingly untouched by human hand. Only recently this has begun to change. Scientists refer to the ‘shifting baseline syndrome’ as each successive generation of people accepts the world they see around them as normal, without realising how much nature has been lost in the past.

The promise of unfailing ‘seedtime and  harvest’: a cover for climate complacency?

The promise of unfailing ‘seedtime and harvest’: a cover for climate complacency?

David Golding

New figures just released by the European Climate Agency Copernicus reveal the last seven years as the world’s hottest on record.

We declare clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency and that the world’s people face untold suffering due to the climate crisis unless there are major transformations to global society. (Article in Bioscience endorsed by 11,000 scientists from 153 nations, 5 November 2019)

earth watch

Creation’s hope: Christ

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

What happened at COP26?

At the beginning of November, delegates from every nation in the world arrived in Glasgow for COP26, the UN conference on climate change. COPs (in full, the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) happen annually but the big ones are every five years or so. COP26 was particularly critical, being the first major gathering since the Paris Agreement in 2015; the first test of whether countries would live up to their promises on climate change.

After COP26: eco-anxiety?
earth watch

After COP26: eco-anxiety?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

What keeps you awake at night? Perhaps it’s the threat of coronavirus. When I was a teenager, it was the threat of nuclear armageddon that made me anxious.

These days it’s ‘eco-anxiety’ that’s likely to be a worry, especially for children and young people. Eco-anxiety is the chronic fear of environmental doom; it’s not a medical diagnosis, but according to the British Medical Journal, reported in the Guardian, recognition of eco-anxiety and its complex psychological effects is increasing, as is its disproportionate impact on children and young people. According to the same report, a 2020 survey of child psychiatrists in England showed that more than half (57%) are seeing children and young people distressed about the climate crisis and the state of the environment.

Evangelicals speak out at COP26

Evangelicals speak out at COP26

Iain Taylor
Iain Taylor

Christians have made their presence felt at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

Many young evangelicals were among the thousands who marched through the city as part of the Fridays For Future movement, inspired by the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, who was at the rally. Churches were behind a special handing-in of petition signatures and paper ‘prayer boats’ to the COP presidency.

COP 26 and  
 the Great Commission

COP 26 and the Great Commission

Dave Burke
Dave Burke

Climate science is a sophisticated business, so it is a sitting target for sceptics and climate change deniers. But you don’t need computer modelling to sense that something is not right with nature.

Southern species are moving northwards. I picked up two ticks this year walking in the north of Scotland. You can now find hummingbird hawk moths in Derbyshire. And if you want to climb down to the Mer de Glace, a mighty glacier near Mont Blanc, you must abseil 300 feet further than when I first did that descent in 1974; the glacier is shrinking!

Christians & green politics
politics & policy

Christians & green politics

James Mildred
James Mildred

I do not think the world will end because of climate change. I do think Christians have a responsibility to care for God’s creation, as good stewards. I’m both a sceptic about some of what’s predicted, and yet also acknowledge that the climate has, is and does change.

Speaking at the start of COP26, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said we were at ‘one minute to midnight’ and it was time for action. The Archbishop of Canterbury clearly felt he needed to raise the stakes when he drew a comparison between inaction over climate change and what happened in Germany when the Nazis took over. Of course, he quickly apologised for that one.

Would you break the law?
earth watch

Would you break the law?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Have you ever been on a protest march?

I’m not a natural protester, although there have been a couple of occasions when I joined a climate march. Most recently (before the pandemic) it was in support of a youth climate march in Cambridge. It ended on King’s Parade where many of the marchers lay down on the lawn in front of King’s College. I confess that my respect for authority was such that I kept off the grass.

COP26: Christians demand action

COP26: Christians demand action

Iain Taylor
Iain Taylor

Evangelicals are prominent among church leaders demanding change in the run-up to the COP26 climate change conference. This will take place in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November and will be attended by 190 world leaders.

At COP21 in Paris in 2015, for the first time, every country agreed to work together to limit global warming to, ideally, 1.5 degrees; to adapt to the impacts of a changing climate and to make money available to do so. Under this Paris Agreement they were mandated to present how they would achieve this at COP26.

Weeds and wildness
earth watch

Weeds and wildness

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Every farmer and every gardener knows the curse of weeds. Only this morning as I was at the allotment, I could not believe how quickly the weeds had grown since my last visit, undoing all my hard labour.

We read in Genesis 3:17-19 about how thorns and thistles were part of God’s curse for Adam’s disobedience. I don’t believe that thorns and thistles sprang into existence as a result of the Fall, it’s more that farming became toilsome and burdened by them as humanity attempted to fulfil God’s command to ‘fill the earth and subdue it’ (Gen 1: 28). Even thorns and thistles have their place in the scheme of Creation; for example, thistles are a source of nectar for insects, their seeds are loved by goldfinches and their leaves are food for the caterpillar of the painted lady butterfly.

Record-breaking climate
earth watch

Record-breaking climate

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

The British are notorious for talking about the weather. It’s little wonder given that we live on an island which is subject to constantly changing weather systems. In last month’s column I talked about how ready the UK is for a changing climate, and how we are already experiencing hotter, drier summers but also more intense summer rainfall.

No sooner had I emailed my article to en than the world experienced a series of weather extremes which perfectly illustrated this point, so I make no apologies for returning to the subject.

en expert warns  on climate

en expert warns on climate

en staff

The latest international report on global climate change is ‘a stark warning of the crisis facing the planet,’ according to an expert who writes for Evangelicals Now.

Simon Marsh (see photo), who has expertise in geography, environmental assessment and regional planning, and who works for the RSPB, was speaking after the release of the news delivered by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group of scientists whose findings are endorsed by the world’s governments.

Are you ready for the future?
earth watch

Are you ready for the future?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Are you ready for the future? Pose that question to a Christian and I guess they will immediately start thinking of getting ready for the return of the Lord Jesus – a good reaction to have, but not quite what I had in mind. Let me put it this way: before that day comes, are you ready for the planet’s future?

I work in nature conservation, but I’m also a chartered town planner (yes, it is a slightly weird combination, but that’s another story). Town planners are in the business of looking to the future. They make plans for ten or 20 years ahead and even longer. It’s an uncertain endeavour. They have to carefully look at the evidence before making decisions, but also build in flexibility and regular review.

Climate justice: for the  good of all creation
earth watch

Climate justice: for the good of all creation

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

‘What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!’

People seeking justice of one kind or another rarely seem to be out of the news these days. Christians should be discerning about which causes we support, but ultimately God is a God who loves justice and who wants us to do the same. As the prophet Micah says: ‘What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ (Mic.6: 8). We should love, care for and support anyone suffering from genuine injustice.

Sentiment or action?
earth watch

Sentiment or action?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

The sad death of HRH Prince Philip in April sparked many tributes to his lifetime of public service.

As well as being the world’s self-confessed expert in plaque unveiling, Prince Philip had a long-standing interest in nature conservation, long before it was fashionable. Others have documented his interest in birdwatching, his friendship with the naturalist Sir Peter Scott, and his long association with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as president of the UK organisation from its founding in 1961.

Should Christians be  tree-huggers?
earth watch

Should Christians be tree-huggers?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Many years ago, when I was working in Africa, I had wonderful opportunities to go on safari and see some amazing wildlife.

Lions, elephants, giraffes; all the creatures you would expect to see, and more. But at that time, one of the things that made me most homesick was a yearning to walk in an English wood in spring, among the bluebells and the birdsong. I’ve tried to do that every year since returning to the UK, although I missed it during last year’s lockdown: it’s one of the things I’m looking forward to as things open up again.

Attenborough’s sin summary
earth watch

Attenborough’s sin summary

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

One swallow doesn’t make a summer, so the saying goes. But it does mean that spring is here, and when you read this you might even have seen the first swallows arriving in Britain on the end of a long journey from their wintering grounds in southern Africa.

Swallows do not appear to be very strong or direct fliers (see Proverbs 26:2 for a Biblical observation on this), so their long-distance migration is a remarkable feat of endurance.

Bats in the belfry
earth watch

Bats in the belfry

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Do you have bats in the belfry? I mean that literally although, despite their love for hanging out in old church buildings, most bats find belfries too noisy and draughty.

Bats are some of those creatures which provoke strong emotions and illustrate the tensions that can arise between caring for God’s people and caring for the rest of God’s creation.

Plastic-less living?
earth watch

Plastic-less living?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Plastic. It’s hard to imagine the modern world without it.

It’s in virtually every consumer product conceivable, from clothes to computers and cars and much else. It’s almost ubiquitous, yet it’s only been around for little more than a century. The Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland invented Bakelite, the first fully synthetic plastic, in 1907. Bakelite and other plastics are a tribute to God-given abilities to invent useful stuff.

Disposable planet?
earth watch

Disposable planet?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

What do you think creation is looking forward to in 2021?

Barring the Lord’s return, this could be a significant year for the planet. Of course, people long for an end to the coronavirus pandemic. My guess is that most of creation is longing for humans to get their act together in caring for creation.

Rising sea levels:   what’s the truth?
earth watch

Rising sea levels: what’s the truth?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Where I live in the former county of Huntingdonshire is a long way from the sea. But according to some predictions of sea-level rise, it could be a lot closer soon.

In one scenario, with widespread inundation of the Fens, Cambridge could virtually become a coastal city by 2050. London, Cardiff, Blackpool and Hull could all be severely affected. Scenarios like these are alarming and make great media headlines, but what is really going on?

How do you feel when  God’s world is abused?
earth watch

How do you feel when God’s world is abused?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

I must admit, I like a good steak (medium rare, please), especially on a special occasion.

Food is a central part of our lives, and for Christians, sharing it together can be an important act of hospitality (Rom. 12: 13). Yet the simple act of eating raises all kinds of ethical and environmental issues. It’s worth asking ourselves where our food comes from.

Shall we all stop  
 having babies?

Shall we all stop having babies?

Sarah Allen

Despite the resurgence of Covid-19 with its danger and inconveniences, other questions which dominated the news last year are also back.

Migrants are in the news again and so is the environment; Extinction Rebellion are protesting, and David Attenborough is on TV. My column isn’t about any of those issues though. Instead I want to write about a movement which is growing precisely because of all these very difficult things: anti-natalism (not antenatalism!).

Climate ‘crisis’? Really?
earth watch

Climate ‘crisis’? Really?

Simon Marsh
Simon Marsh

Recently the Environment Minister for Northern Ireland, Edwin Poots, got into a spot of bother for saying publicly that his department didn’t believe there is a climate crisis.

He later retracted his words and his chief civil servant had to apologise for giving the minister a misleading briefing. He really does think there’s a climate crisis, a view also shared by governments and many local councils across the country who have declared a ‘climate emergency’. So that’s all right then.