Christian nurse in fresh transgender battle
A senior Christian nurse is launching a case against a hospital trust in a row over a transgender patient.
Jennifer Melle, 40, from Croydon, is taking action against Epsom and St Helier University Hospital Trust, claiming harassment, discrimination and human rights’ breaches.
Anti-Christian 'bias' delays appeal
Nicola Laver
The social media behaviour of an anti-Christian atheist lay member of the employment tribunal has, for the second time in a matter of months, caused protracted litigation in two cases involving the dismissal of Christians. Another lay member has also been removed from a panel for apparent bias.
In early March, Bernard Randall won permission to appeal a 2022 employment tribunal decision upholding his dismissal from Trent College following a sermon on accepted church teachings on sexuality. He was granted permission after it was revealed that Jed Purkis, a member of the tribunal panel that heard Bernard’s case, had posted several anti-Christian comments on social media before and after the tribunal ruling.
Kristie Higgs wins groundbreaking court case after unfair dismissal
Nicola Laver
A Christian was unlawfully dismissed from her role as a school pastoral worker after she criticised LGBT relationship education on her social media, the Court of Appeal has ruled.
Lord Justice Underhill made clear that dismissal merely because the employee ‘expressed a religious or other protected belief to which the employer, or a third party with whom it wishes to protect its reputation, objects will constitute unlawful direct discrimination within the meaning of the Equality Act’.
Disability History Month: The dark and hidden past of disability
It’s Disability History Month. This has happened every year from 16th November to 16th December since 2010.
Has your church ever done events around this, in the same way many do events around Black History Month?