In Depth:  christmas

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Two Christmas Crackers

Two Christmas Crackers

John Woods John Woods


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Invitation to festive joy
everyday evangelism

Invitation to festive joy

Glen Scrivener Glen Scrivener

Every year for the last 12, Speak Life has put out a Christmas video, or four.

We’ve made fun of Santa, and we’ve parodied Scrooge. We’ve put on a Down syndrome nativity, and we’ve made a time-travelling rom-com. We’ve viewed Christmas from heaven, from space, and from the Colosseum. We’ve seen it from the perspective of a Christmas tree, a Christmas present and a Christmas mouse. We’ve created animations with dragons, with snow globes, and with Happyland figurines. And last year, because it was the World Cup, our video was called ‘Christmas Coming Home’.

The Christmas villain
defending our faith

The Christmas villain

Chris Sinkinson Chris Sinkinson

Children’s nativity plays, up and down the land, are blessed with many roles, allowing for a good number of children to take part.

Sometimes there are too many children for parts, so we might include a donkey, a cow and an underage bartender.

The irony of our Decembers

The irony of our Decembers

Rachel Jones Rachel Jones

I have a friend who once told me that, in the course of daily life, she frequently imagines what it would be like to be a medieval peasant. We all have our quirks, I guess.

Sometimes she makes the comparison in order to make her feel better about life now, as a kind of internal pep talk: ‘Think life is hard? Think how much harder it would be if you were a medieval peasant!’ Other times the comparison is more negative: ‘Life would be much simpler if I were a medieval peasant.’ Fewer decisions to make and a lot less to do, at least at this time of year: medieval winter is surely just a case of looking at an empty field and hoping your supply of turnips or whatever lasts you until Spring. No Sunday School nativity plays or ‘Oh help, it’s Christmas jumper day tomorrow’ moments.

The whole Christmas story

The whole Christmas story

Caroline Hayley

Book Review CHRISTMAS UNCUT: What Really Happened and Why It ReallyMatters

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Music for next Christmas?

Music for next Christmas?

Steve James


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Good books at Christmas

Good books at Christmas

Caroline Haley


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Blasphemy at Christmas?
imperfect parenting

Blasphemy at Christmas?

'Imperfect Mum' 'Imperfect Mum'

I have to admit that as a child at Christmas, I’d mischievously sing ‘While shepherds washed their socks at night, all seated on the ground’ – with greater gusto in school assemblies than in church!

At least when we sang ‘Lord of the dance, said he…’ in assemblies, I genuinely thought (and sang) that the lyrics were ‘Lord of the dance settee’ – imagining small crowds of people dancing on settees (or sofas, if you prefer) with their hands in the air praising God…

Trying to make the crooked straight? You will fail

Trying to make the crooked straight? You will fail

Karen Soole Karen Soole

Two corgis who belonged to the Queen, Sandy and Muick, watched her funeral procession and reduced our dog-loving nation to tears.

Since the Queen’s death, sales of corgis have gone up. The Kennel Club reports a 30-year high for the registration of the breed. I expect a few more breeders will seek to cash in on the craze, as puppies can sell for around £6,000. So if you want a puppy for Christmas, perhaps another breed might be better. Remembering the seasonal refrain, a dog is for life and not just for Christmas. Corgis are still not as popular as the UK’s favourite breed, which is, of course, a Labrador. I admit it – I am a besotted Labrador owner.

From Christmas plays to questions of leadership

From Christmas plays to questions of leadership

Rachel Jones Rachel Jones

If you’re reading this in December, it’s likely that whatever I’m doing right now, I’m thinking about one thing, and one thing only: the Sunday School Christmas play.

In fact, as I write this it’s still October and already I’m a woman consumed. It’s not just the performing and the rehearsing and the hyping (to the children). Part of what makes the obsession so protracted is that I have somehow ended up backing myself into the position of writing the scripts from scratch each year.

What Twelfth Night teaches us at the turn of the year

What Twelfth Night teaches us at the turn of the year

Cassie Martin Cassie Martin

Christmas is over. Oh no it isn’t! As December draws to a close and we look forward to 2022, we reach Twelfth Night or the eve of Epiphany.

In earlier times, the days after Christmas were often a time of celebration as opposed to the more solemn period of Advent – something which is hard to imagine now, when ‘Christmas’ seems to start in shops and TV adverts as soon as we hit November!

Christmas on your screen

Christmas on your screen


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Is our Christmas outreach  tinsel on the outside but  Grinch on the inside?
everyday evangelism

Is our Christmas outreach tinsel on the outside but Grinch on the inside?

Glen Scrivener Glen Scrivener

Where do you place Christmas in the story of salvation? Your answer to this question reveals much about your understanding of the gospel. And it will powerfully shape the way you approach the festive season, evangelistically.

Some consider Christmas to be, essentially, the beginning of the story. Forgetting the Old Testament, this telling of the tale starts in Bethlehem, but climaxes far away at Golgotha. On this understanding, Christmas is the opening five minutes of the biopic, but the real action happens much further down the line.

How to avoid being trite this Christmas

How to avoid being trite this Christmas

Rachel Jones Rachel Jones

‘And so this is Christmas, and what have you done?’ Not a lot this year, actually. Getting things ‘done’ ceased to be the object from about March onwards in favour of just getting through. So here we are, ‘another year over’, with less than ever to show for it. Goodness knows what my mother’s obscure relations are going to put in their Christmas letters this year. Here’s hoping some second cousins thrice removed somewhere have managed to pass their Grade 3 Piano exam to give us all some good news.

But John Lennon’s is not the only Christmas song that will be sounding a little different this year. (Top marks if you recognise where they’re all from.*) ‘Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose’ as you sit on your coats on the patio in your Tier Two area. ‘I really can’t stay…’ ‘But baby it’s cold outside…’ ‘I know, but if I come inside that will push us over the rule of six.’ ‘I’m driving home for Christmas, oh I can’t wait to see those faces’ through the kitchen window. ‘Oh I say it’s tough, I have had enough, can you stop the virus please?

It’s going to be a very  Covid Christmas
helping children find faith

It’s going to be a very Covid Christmas

Ed Drew Ed Drew

Christmas is not cancelled. I promise. The angel Gabriel will terrify Mary, baby Jesus will be laid in a manger and the shepherds will run through Bethlehem with the good news of great joy for everyone.

Emmanuel will still be ‘God with us’ despite social distancing. In fact, ‘God with us’ will mean all the more this year. The Son of God chose to enter our lockdown, joining us in our struggles by becoming a child in an unsettled family. He gets it.


Why Christmas Day but not Ascension?

Christopher Idle
Date posted: 1 Sep 2020

Dear Editor,

Several of the Christian organisations, missions and churches which I support or belong to include in their regular mailing a Prayer Diary, with valuable topics and news for every day of the year.

50 years ago: 4 Christmases, 2 bishops, 1 gospel

50 years ago: 4 Christmases, 2 bishops, 1 gospel

Christopher Idle

Christopher Idle reflects on two memorable Christmas Carol Services where two bishops shared their story of coming to Christ.

When David Sheppard came to live just across the road from us in Peckham, it seemed providential.

Christmas and literature

Christmas and literature

Felicity Carswell

Felicity Carswell highlights the great opportunity that Christmas brings to put good material into the hands of our non-Christian friends

I love Christmas – the tunes, the smells, the tastes, even the cold weather that brings with it cosy evenings by the fire.

Visiting those with dementia – a real Christmas gift

Visiting those with dementia – a real Christmas gift

Louise Morse

Louise Morse challenges the view that says there is no point in visiting someone who has forgotten who you are

Families and relatives will be coming together for Christmas, and churches will be increasing their visits to care homes.


Christmas opportunities

Ann Wills
Date posted: 1 Jan 2019

Dear Editor,

I think that at Christmas we should use this time of year to share Jesus more. We could send Christmas cards and Advent Calendars that have a Nativity scene on. Manufacturers only produce what people will buy - so if we don’t buy Christian products they won’t be manufactured any more. We would then only be able to buy Advent Calendars with a snowman or Santa on!

Christmas adverts
Culture watching

Christmas adverts

Sarah Allen

I’m writing this in the first week of December, but the battle of the ads started a few weeks ago.

Much anticipated, compared and dissected in the press, these adverts from the major retailers have become a tradition over the last 15 years. And I guess they do their job, raising the profile of the companies concerned and presenting them as beneficent, family friendly, cheer-bringing organisations – helping us to forget for a month or so that they are really consumption-creating giants battling each other for the contents of our purses.

Reaching the loneliest older people at Christmas

Reaching the loneliest older people at Christmas

Louise Morse

Louise Morse offers a timely challenge to the churches

Christmas is a great time to show the love of God and to tell the salvation story.

Forgiveness­ at Christmas

Forgiveness­ at Christmas

Jonathan Worsley


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A bit of a turkey for Christmas

A bit of a turkey for Christmas



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A good read at Christmas

A good read at Christmas


Book Review STUMP KINGDOM: Isaiah 6–12

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Christmas carols critiqued!

Christmas carols critiqued!

Revd Antony Rees

The Revd Antony Rees with some thoughts on what we are going to be singing

Christmas without Christmas carols would not be quite the same.

Luther at Christmas

Luther at Christmas

Extracts from a Martin Luther sermon on Luke 2.1-14

Luke’s Gospel is so clear it requires little explanation.

Christmas joy on page after page

Christmas joy on page after page

David Jackman


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Singing around the manger

Singing around the manger

Luke Jenner

Book Review CHRISTMAS PLAYLIST Four Songs That Bring You to the Heart of Christmas

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Getting religious at Christmas

Getting religious at Christmas

Oluwatosin Oyeniyi

Oluwatosin Oyeniyi urges us to begin with James 1.27 this Christmas

Christmas can evoke all that feels warm, safe and secure.

Christmas controversy
defending our faith

Christmas controversy

Chris Sinkinson Chris Sinkinson

A recent survey of religious belief in England concluded that 40% of adults do not believe that Jesus was a historical figure.

During the Christmas period it is worth reflecting on the significance of this increasingly extreme form of scepticism in our culture.


Standing up for Christmas

Emily Ellison
Date posted: 1 Feb 2015

Dear Sir,

I do understand the conscience issue over the celebration of festivals (en November 2014), particularly of Easter and Christmas which do have roots that are decidedly unhelpful, to say the least, and practices which can detract from the gospel more than promote it.


Make the most of Christmas

A. Wills
Date posted: 1 Jan 2015

Dear Editor,

I went to the ‘Christmas Show’ at Earls Court Exhibition Centre on 20 November, but as far as I could see there was nothing there about Jesus at all. There were plenty of Christmas lights, decorations and gifts and even an occult stand, but I didn’t see any Nativity sets, cribs or anything Christian at all. This was a wasted opportunity, as the exhibition was very well attended. The stands may be expensive to hire, but perhaps several Christian groups, or Churches Together, could share a stand at similar exhibitions next year to show people the reason for Christmas.


Cancel Christmas?

Date posted: 1 Jan 2015

Dear Sir,

We can’t advise Mr Baalham (November en) who advocates cancelling Christmas. We can however point out a few consequences of the line he has taken. We have been subject to such opinions for the last 14 years.

Hope for Christian singles
The Single Track

Hope for Christian singles

Jacqui Wright

Who are Christian singles?

Christian singles are a diverse group: never married, divorced and widowed, across all ages of adulthood. Some are single by choice but many are not.

Christmas is…

Christmas is…


Book Review THE DAWNING OF INDESTRUCTIBLE JOY Daily readings for Advent

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Christmas radio

Christmas radio

Alan Wenham

A radio station has been launched that plays nothing but traditional Christmas carols and Bible thoughts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Christmas Carols Radio was founded by Ben Vane, a former radio producer, who is now an ordinand training for the Church of England. He said: ‘For years I’ve been wrestling with how we might attract non-Christians to engage with media that communicates the gospel. And then it hit me. The one time non-Christians do engage with the Christian message is at Christmas.’

In praise of Christmas cards

In praise of Christmas cards

Christopher Idle

Christopher Idle sees the approach of Christmas as an opportunity to do some good

‘Show you care this Christmas. Send a card.’

Cancel Christmas?

Cancel Christmas?

Matthew Baalham asks us to think about how we treat December 25

My wife and I face a problem every Christmas.

A good Christmas pud

A good Christmas pud



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Christmas Bibles?

Christmas Bibles?



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Christmas hospitality

Margaret Stevens
Date posted: 1 Dec 2013

Dear Editor,

The charity, HOST, would love to hear from readers who would enjoy welcoming an international student at a UK university to their home this Christmas.

The Christmas conspiracy
defending our faith

The Christmas conspiracy

Chris Sinkinson Chris Sinkinson

Here is the ultimate way to take Christ out of Christmas: deny that he ever existed.

That is the claim that has been made from time to time and resurfaced this October with the fresh promotion of an old book, called Caesar’s Messiah: the Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, along with an accompanying lecture at Conway Hall in London.

Making the most of your church’s Christmas publicity

Making the most of your church’s Christmas publicity

Annie Liggins

Time is ticking away and Christmas is a comin’.

There is a growing trend for ‘Ugly Christmas Sweaters’ with online stores fighting for business and Save the Children running an annual ‘Christmas Jumper Day’. Reindeers, candy canes and snowflakes abound in 80s-inspired designs.

The Christmas thingamabob

The Christmas thingamabob

Mark Dever

Mark Dever of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C., gets us thinking about Christmas

It was just a few days until Christmas, and Tom had looked long and hard for a gift for Sarah.

defending our faith

The Christmas census

Chris Sinkinson Chris Sinkinson

The gospel stands on historical credentials. David Jackman helpfully demonstrates this in his column this month.

Objections to the Christmas story come from many quarters. Sometimes these objections make fair points. Jesus was almost certainly not born in a barn on December 25, etc. These are objections to later traditions and not to the biblical account of the birth of Jesus at all. However, we do need to respond to objections made against the reliability of what we read in the Bible.

The Third Degree

Student Christmases

Pod Bhogal

‘It was a privilege to speak at four packed carol services on December 11 [for Southampton Christian Union]’, commented Adrian Holloway, evangelist at Christ Church in London.

He continued: ‘As 550 people filed out of the first service through one door, another 550 entered through a different door for the second! The CU president had to interrupt the service to ask people to ‘budge up’ to create space for these folks to get seats.

The 12 myths of Christmas

Norman Wells

Cribs, carols, cards, nativity plays and films — they all have something to say about the birth of Christ just over 2,000 years ago.

But sometimes the message they present is quite different from what really happened. Here we look at some of the most common myths and compare them with what the Bible tells us about Jesus’s birth.

It’s Christmas!

Daphne Ross

Book Review DISCOVERING GOD In stories from the Bible

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Christmas - all ready?

Richard Simpkin

If you think that writing about Christmas in October is a bit early, it’s even worse for me — I’m writing at the beginning of September, I’ve just dropped off Ollie for his first day at school, the sun’s still trying to shine and I’m still in shorts.

As musicians, Christmas can take us by surprise, despite all the early warning signals in Tesco’s. Writing this article has prompted me to look in my diary and I’ve noticed with horror that I’ve already got 13 carol services booked in for this December — six of them are over two days, so this term I’m determined that I’m going to be ready! Also, I know that at the end of a long term I’ve got to have enough energy in the tank to survive the Christmas season. The key? Be prepared! I was a cub scout with the 1st Hednesford Pack, and though I was never a sixer, or even a seconder, I remember the motto well, even if I haven’t always heeded it.

Christmas unwrapped (DVD)

John Benton

None Review That’s entertainment CHRISTMAS UNWRAPPED DVD

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Would turkeys vote for Christmas?

David Burrowes David Burrowes

‘Do turkeys vote for Christmas?’ A general election is not too far away and a letter in EN (August) asked provocatively whether we should vote for any political party if the result was Christians being marginalised and persecuted.

Well, as a Member of Parliament since 2005 and Parliamentary Chairman and co-founder of the Conservative Christian Fellowship, I was duly provoked to respond. Another time I would be pleased to answer specific concerns about party policy, and I am sure politicians from other parties will also have an opportunity in the run up to the general election to make their case if they want to in EN. For now, there is a question which goes deeper about why bother at all about party politics.

The original Christmas

John Peet

It has spawned a multitude of powerful sermons and a few carols. It is there in our English translations of the Bible and yet it has been long known that it is not a correct representation of the text. It is an interpretation based on English culture in the days of King James! Middle Eastern experts have known the truth (and written on it); archaeologists have exposed it by excavation of buildings from the time of our Lord; even Jeremy Bowen (of the BBC!) has got it right (mind you, he’s another Middle Eastern expert).

I refer to the clause, ‘because there was no room for them in the inn’ (Luke 2.7). We all know the imaginary scenario of them knocking on the door and ending up in a cave behind the inn. But this does not resemble the cultural and historical reality.

Christmas in three words

Vaughan Roberts

‘Describe Christmas in three words’.

That was the challenge put to various celebrities in a Marks & Spencer advert a few years ago.

‘Eating too much’, said the actress Honor Blackman.

As implausible as Father Christmas?

Ranald Macaulay

The Bible emphasises that its truth is never readily accepted by the human heart.

It therefore prepares us not just for physical opposition but also for varying degrees of intellectual misunderstanding and even incredulity. When Paul addresses the Athenians, they object that he is bringing them ‘strange ideas’. The same would doubtless have been true had he been preaching in India or China, America or Egypt. Having said that, it is at least arguable that a new type of incomprehension has taken hold in Europe since the 18th century and that this new mindset is almost unique in history.

The Third Degree

Christmas on campus

Pod Bhogal

Christmas on campus

From November onwards, it’s really difficult to miss the fact that Christmas is on the way. Shopping centres become busier, the Christmas lights go up and there are lots of shiny decorations in shop windows. However, despite all the glitz, glamour and commercialism, Christmas also brings with it a wealth of opportunities for evangelism.

This Christmas saw literally thousands of students attending carol services across the UK — put on and hosted by evangelical CUs. For many non-believers this represented a significant opportunity to hear the gospel explained clearly and faithfully, often for the first time. Here’s just a glimpse of what was happening and where:


Christmas stocking

Richard Simpkin

Christmas stocking

This article is going to be a bit like a Christmas stocking - a few things chucked in, some of them boring but useful; some interesting but useless; or a combination of the above.

Books for the Christmas tree?

EN asked around a few people as to what were the best books they had read in the past year. Some of these might make good Christmas presents for your friends or family.

WILD AT HEART: Discovering the secret of a man's heart

Making the most of Christmas

Elisa Beynon

Here we go again. The adverts have been on telly since September and the shop windows are stuffed with lights and trees and enticing presents. We can't escape it. Christmas time is here again.

The best Christmas present in the world ever

Chris Webb

Christmas is coming. Are you looking forward to it? At least it will be a break from work. You can legitimately spend some of your hard-earned cash and have an excuse to indulge yourself just a little bit.

For many, Christmas is a time to have a few unhurried drinks with friends and catch up somewhat. For others, Christmas is primarily a family time and we enjoy buying each other presents and spoiling our children for a few days.

Christmas 1930

Ieuan Phillips

Ieuan Phillips was the older brother of Bethan Lloyd-Jones and a close friend of her husband Martyn.

They both began in the ministry in 1927 in pastorates in South Wales, Ieuan in the London Road Presbyterian Church, Neath, and Martyn in Sandfields, Aberavon. The hand of God was upon them both and the following is an account of what happened at Christmas 1930, written later by Ieuan himself.

Christmas: a King like no other

John Benton

One of the most striking scenes associated with Christmas is that of the Magi coming to Jerusalem asking: 'Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?'

The answer they got was that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem of Judea - the home town of Israel's most famous king - David.

Godly gifts for Christmas?

John Benton

What can you give as a Christmas present which will be both spiritual, encouraging and enjoyable?

Good question. Here are some suggestions from EN.

Operation World

Top of the list this year must come a copy of the new edition of Operation World, the comprehensive guide to global Christian mission. Picking up our news from British TV, fascinated by pictures of horror and working to a secular Western agenda, we very often have a highly distorted view of what is going on in the world.

Surprised by God at Christmas

A brother serving in Asia

As I considered serving the Lord abroad I had many doubts about whether he would really provide for my needs as a Christian worker on the field.

Yes, I had read missionary biographies, which spoke of God's wondrous provision for others, but would he really provide for me, a former telecom manager living in suburbia? Could I leave the comfort and security of home?

Tony Blair's Christmas present!

Christine Gobbett


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'Hodie' & 'Fantasia on Christmas Carols'

Simon Brennan

Music Review Beating Time 'Hodie' & 'Fantasia on Christmas Carols' - Vaughan Williams

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Books to give for Christmas

Esme Shirt


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A Christless Christmas

John Benton

Ironically, as we approach the new millennium celebrating the 2000th anniversary of Christ's birth, we are coming under increasing pressure to have a secular Christmas. Though they've recently reversed their decision, it was Birmingham City Council who wanted to drop the very name 'Christmas' and rename the festive season 'Winterval'.

Some time ago now, the entertainer and comedian Stephen Fry wrote an article in the Christmas issue of The Listener, arguing in quite a bellicose fashion for doing away with the traditional Christmas. With the bit between his teeth, he lambasted what he saw as the hypocrisy of it all. Let me quote a few sentences.

Christmas Sermons - an Exposition of the Magnificat

Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The most surprising thing that has ever happened in this world is the coming of the Son of God into it. The most revolutionary thing in the world today is the Christian gospel. Why? Because it is almost the exact opposite of anything that you and I would ever have imagined . . .

The Virgin Mary used these remarkable words about God:

Is Christmas Christian? (Bulldog for November)

Alan Clifford

Christmas has become a commercial racket. Many people turn up their noses at the 'religious' aspect.

However, if 'Merry Xmas' is preferred to 'Happy Christmas', is the merriment quite what it was? Indeed, who looks forward to Christmas?

What can I give them? Some Christmas gift ideas

Esme Shirt

Book Review The Day I Fell Down The Toilet

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What Happened At Christmas

Ms Lynne Lloyd

Book Review By Alan and Linda Parry

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