Songs that inspire
Catherine MacKenzie
We all know what it’s like to see our favourite book made into a movie – the delight when it’s done well, the frustration when it’s not. But let me introduce you to some writers who have taken well-known Christian hymns as their inspiration for a children’s book.
The first is by Sinclair B. Ferguson: Jesus Strong and Kind (ISBN 978 1 527 110 007). Ferguson has taken the key theological points from Colin Buchanan’s much-loved children’s hymn and dug deeper into God’s word showing where the truths of
these lyrics are rooted.
Scripture Union’s new boss aims for 95% of children
Iain Taylor
Dave Newton took over as National Director of Scripture Union (SU) in March. Now he has his feet under the desk, Evangelicals Now asked him about his vision for its future.
SU was originally founded in 1867 to help adults and children know God through the Bible. Today, its 1,500 volunteers run over 60 camps and missions a year.
Keswick 24: Hope-filled conversations with our children
Amy Smith
We were off to the zoo! My four young children were in the car, we’d waved Dad off to work, the buggy and picnic were packed. As we reached the motorway, a little voice, full of worry, asked: ‘Where are we going and how long for?’ In all my preparation I’d missed a key moment – I hadn’t talked to the children! Four little people had no idea what was happening.
For one little boy, for whom all the events of moving from foster care to his new adoptive home was a conscious memory, this was a problem. He was understandably worried that he was leaving home and might not see Dad again. Without his question, I might have missed what was going on. Instead, my awareness of my son’s heart meant I could wrap him in a hug and say: ‘You are our little boy, God has given you to us and us to you, you are home with us.’
Is purity back in fashion?
Each summer, I have the opportunity to serve the next generation of leaders, missionaries and committed church members at youth camps in Wales and Romania. What I have observed recently is a growth in an almost puritanical movement within our youth.
As I teach the Bible and engage with Gen Z and Gen Alpha*, I am encouraged by their deep commitment to Jesus and their desire to live authentic holy lives. They have all grown up in a post-Christian secular society, saturated with sexual ideology and they are seeking refuge. I see a counter-culture that is being refined by secularism, calling a new generation back to holy living.