In Depth:  Canada

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Canada could arrest people before crime committed

Canada could arrest people before crime committed

en staff

Legislation being proposed by the Canadian government is potentially ‘fascist’, psychologist and author Jordan Peterson is warning.

Writing in the UK’s Telegraph online, he declares: ‘New legislation proposed by the government mandates the generation of a soon-to-be giant bureaucracy to monitor and punish in an extra-judicial manner so-called “crimes of hate”, soon [to be] defined as any speech or act that the bureaucrats and corporations in charge of the definition themselves object to.

Welcoming refugees: an act of grace
letter from Canada

Welcoming refugees: an act of grace

Lorna Ashworth

Hospitality appears to be one of many natural outpourings in response to encountering the saving grace of Christ.

In Acts 16 Lydia, the seller of purple goods, opens her home to Paul and Silas after the Lord opened her heart. Only a few verses later, the Philippian jailer is washing the wounds of Paul and Silas and bringing them into his home to feed them, all the while rejoicing in his new-found faith in Christ. Something happens when we meet Jesus; we begin to love our neighbour.

Faith, politics, philosophy, Prue Leith & Canada’s conveyor belt of death

Faith, politics, philosophy, Prue Leith & Canada’s conveyor belt of death

Rebecca Chapman Rebecca Chapman

Danny Kruger MP is the Member of Parliament for Devizes and an evangelical Christian.

He has previously worked in journalism and in politics, having worked as a speechwriter for David Cameron, and as Political Secretary to Boris Johnson when he was Prime Minister. In 2006 he and his wife Emma founded Only Connect, a project working in prisons to stop criminals re-offending.

Chinese Canadians are a humbling example
letter from Canada

Chinese Canadians are a humbling example

Lorna Ashworth

Fourteen months ago, I arrived in Vancouver to take on a role at St John’s Anglican Church (formerly known as St John’s Shaughnessy).

For Anglicans, this church will stir up various associations; the home of J.I. Packer, the Rector David Short who spoke at the ReNew Conference and Bible by the Beach, and the strong connections with GAFCON.

Coming here? Canada’s  horror show of assisted dying
politics & policy

Coming here? Canada’s horror show of assisted dying

James Mildred James Mildred

Just before Christmas I read two articles by two different authors. One was by The Times Scotland columnist Alex Massie. He said he used to be in favour of the legalisation of assisted suicide, but now wondered whether any such law could be safely implemented. The other was by Sonia Sodha in the Guardian. She also used to be in favour but now opposes any change in the law on similar grounds.

Both these authors have been influenced by the horror show that is unfolding in Canada, where assisted suicide and a form of euthanasia have been legal since 2016. It shows you the importance of looking at the evidence from other countries and making sure as many people as possible know about what’s been going on.

Canada: conversion therapy ban fears

Canada: conversion therapy ban fears

Guardian / Christian Today

Canadian lawmakers have passed a motion banning the practice of ‘conversion therapy’, in a rare show of unanimity in the country’s parliament.

A surprise move by the opposition Conservatives to fast-track the legislation prompted applause in the House of Commons. A handful of Liberal cabinet ministers hugged their Conservative colleagues after the vote.