Massive rise in Ukraine’s Bible demand
Slavic Gospel Association
Demand for Bibles has multiplied exponentially in Ukraine since the vicious Russian invasion, new figures are revealing.
Some national church leaders are comparing the situation to that of immediate post-Communist days, when there was a significant and strong spiritual movement, resulting in many conversions to Christ. The Ukrainian Bible Society reports that in the first nine months of 2022, more than 359,000 Bibles were given out – at least two and a half times more than the number distributed in 2020. The trauma of the war, far from setting many hearts against God, has in fact created a desire in many thousands to know God and the nearness of His presence.
10,000 Bibles for children
Nicola Laver
Many thousands of free Bibles have found their way into the hands of school children across London in just two years.
In December 2019, the Greater London Auxiliary of the Trinitarian Bible Society (TBS) was formed. Its focus has been on schools where 10,000 Bibles (King James Version) have been presented to children and a talk given about the Bible.
Are seminaries failing in the teaching of New Testament Greek?
In 1453, Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, fell to the Ottoman Turks. This was a disaster for the Greeks but it became a blessing for Western Europe. It was inevitable that those who had the means, that is, the educated elite, sought refuge in the West and they took with them valuable manuscripts.
The spark that ignited the Reformation
For the first time there was significant interaction between Western scholars educated in Latin and Eastern scholars educated in Greek. Direct access to classical Greek works and the Greek New Testament was now possible. There was a keen interest in classical literature, art, drama and philosophy.