In Depth:  abortion

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Woman arrested after praying inside abortion buffer zone

Woman arrested after praying inside abortion buffer zone

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

Claire Brennan, a Roman Catholic, is being prosecuted after she had been holding a sign reading Pray to End Abortion, praying the Lord’s Prayer inside a ‘buffer zone’ outside Causeway hospital, Coleraine, NI.

A police officer accused her, and a wheelchair-bound colleague, of causing ‘harassment, alarm and distress’. She was arrested and her lawyers subsequent attempts to defend her on human-rights grounds was refused. Brennan is now due to appear before magistrates in October.

Abortion matters

Abortion matters

Editorial Editorial

The issue of abortion will always be close to the hearts of us as evangelical Christians – and many others of course too.

How can it not be? The slaughter of so many millions of unborn children in the West in the last few decades is one of the great blind spots of our decaying culture. (Of course, there are always situations – for example rape, incest and imminent danger to a mother’s life – where we cannot be so black and white, but they should not distract us from the wider tragedy where no such contingencies apply.)

‘Don’t decriminalise abortion,’ MPs warned

‘Don’t decriminalise abortion,’ MPs warned

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

Doctors are urging MPs in England and Wales not to support the decriminalising of abortion in an upcoming vote, saying ‘a legal deterrent remains important'. It comes against the background of increasing numbers of women being investigated for suspected illegal abortions – a trend which abortion campaigners want to halt.

Meanwhile, France has become the first country in the world to make abortion a constitutional right, following a vote on 8 March. As darkness fell, the Eiffel Tower was emblazoned with the message: ‘My Body My Choice.’

Shock at new illegal abortion guidance

Shock at new illegal abortion guidance

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

A top gynaecologist and Marie Stopes director has admitted being behind guidance which warns doctors not to report a woman who has undergone an illegal abortion, without her consent. The apparent conflict of interests has prompted calls for an inquiry.

Any doctor reporting a suspected illegal abortion could face a disciplinary, imminent new guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) will say. The RCOG said it is ‘never’ in the public interest to investigate and prosecute in such cases.

Legal challenge over abortion buffer zone rejected

Legal challenge over abortion buffer zone rejected

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

A legal challenge against a decision to impose an abortion clinic ‘buffer zone’ that includes residential properties has failed. However, the court clarified that the behaviour in private homes and gardens was not covered by the Order.

Meanwhile, draft guidance on buffer zones fails to fully protect silent prayer.

One in three pregnancies aborted? It’s ‘devastating’

One in three pregnancies aborted? It’s ‘devastating’

Milla Ling-Davies Milla Ling-Davies

As many as one in three pregnancies in the UK may now be ending in abortion, projections from an independent public health consultant state – prompting alarm from Christians.

A new report from Kevin Duffy of Percuity says that while one in four pregnancies ended in abortion in 2019, the figures are predicted to have shot up to one in three for 2023. Overall, the number of abortions in England and Wales this year could be as high as 325,000.

Abortion buffer challenge

Abortion buffer challenge

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

A local authority-imposed abortion buffer zone in an area that includes private homes has been challenged in the High Court.

Separately, a pro-life campaigner was given a fine by police after being questioned outside a Birmingham abortion clinic (the council has said it will not pursue the fine).

Abortion with covert meds and restraints

Abortion with covert meds and restraints

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

A court has ruled that a woman with schizoaffective disorder, who was almost 18 weeks pregnant, should have a medical abortion – using ‘covert’ medication and restraint if she was non-compliant. 

The 26-year-old woman had been detained under the Mental Health Act and was suffering psychosis at the time. With one exception, she had reportedly made clear she wanted a termination. The woman previously had a surgical termination but had threatened to kill herself if she was to have another.


Abortion genocide

Date posted: 1 Nov 2023

Dear Editor,

Supporters of abortion decriminalisation (like Stella Creasy MP quoted in The Sunday Times September 2023) possibly see the precise origin time of human identity as a ‘chicken and egg’ riddle. But does the NHS website’s ‘12-week Dating Scan’ show an unborn infant the size of a hen’s egg?

‘Extreme’  abortion fear

‘Extreme’ abortion fear

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

A significant rise in the numbers of abortions in Scotland is likely to get steeper if the new First Minister of Scotland succeeds in having existing restrictions lifted.

A record number of abortions in Scotland took place in 2022 (16,596) compared to 13,940 in 2021, according to figures from Public Health Scotland. The rise was most significant in deprived areas, such as Forth Valley, Lanarkshire and Grampian.

Lula seeks to liberalise abortion law
letter from Brazil

Lula seeks to liberalise abortion law

Miguel Uchôa Calvacanti

The new Brazilian government is moving towards increased support for abortion.

The trend became apparent when the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, represented by the Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, withdrew Brazil from the so-called Geneva Consensus, a bloc of 32 nations that defend life from conception and the family in the conservative and traditional model, and other measures that seek to protect women’s health.


Joe Biden and abortion

Date posted: 1 Feb 2023

Dear Editor,

If Trump is Haman (see Jan en), then Biden is Herod… ‘He sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under’ (Matt. 2:16). Biden, however, has his sights set on many more, much younger, children. Yet people seem to be far less bothered by him; not sure why.

Abortion  climbdown

Abortion climbdown

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

The government has admitted that abortion clinic buffer zones are incompatible with human rights laws – less than a week after an amendment to the Public Order Bill was approved that would introduce buffer zones.

The new Clause 9 – which establishes buffer zones (‘designated areas’) around abortion clinics where it would be an offence to interfere with people accessing or providing abortion services – will likely now have to be redrafted in terms that are compatible with human rights law.

Pro-life gains  momentum

Pro-life gains momentum

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

The anti-abortion cause in the UK has gained momentum, galvanised by the State-side Roe v Wade ruling in June, with more young people than ever joining the fight to protect the unborn.

In England and Wales, where record numbers of abortions took place last year, the largest-ever March for Life UK saw record numbers of young people join the procession. The annual march, held in London on 3 September, adopted the theme ‘10 Million Too Many’ and took place just days after temporary laws allowing DIY home abortions were made permanent.

Abortion, prayer – and my revealing Twitter chat

Abortion, prayer – and my revealing Twitter chat

David Shepherd David Shepherd

A little while ago, the Oscar-winning actress Julia Roberts posted a captioned picture of herself on Facebook in response to the leak of the US Supreme Court’s draft opinion on Roe v Wade (the landmark 1973 decision that conferred a constitutional right to abortion).

She wrote: ‘Happy Mother’s Day. May we be mothers when we want, how we want and IF we want.’ [Mother’s Day in the US is on a different date to the UK.]


Roe v Wade and the UK

Date posted: 1 Jul 2022

Dear Editor,

William Wilberforce (1759-1833) brought the hidden plight of slaves into public view, thus helping to fix their release from servile bondage.

Abortion law 
 protest fear

Abortion law protest fear

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

Peaceful pro-life protests and prayers outside abortion clinics in England and Wales could soon be illegal under proposals set out in the Public Order Bill.

Under an amendment to the Bill, put forward by Rupa Huq MP (see photo), anyone within an abortion clinic buffer zone who interferes with a pregnant woman going for an abortion faces up to two years in prison.

Overturning Roe v Wade: what implications for the UK?

Overturning Roe v Wade: what implications for the UK?

Iain Taylor Iain Taylor

According to a leaked US Supreme Court document, the Court is poised to overturn Roe v Wade – the 1973 decision that legalised abortion across the United States.

Many thousands of pro-lifers and pro-choice people have been demonstrating across the country since the leak, both sides entrenched over the issue which has polarised America for decades. But what would overturning Roe v Wade actually mean, both in the US and in this country?

Abortion: fury  in Wales

Abortion: fury in Wales

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

Temporary ‘DIY’ abortion rules introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic will be made permanent in Wales, the devolved government has announced.

Health Minister Eluned Morgan said it was a ‘progressive step’ and added that she had carefully considered the responses to a public consultation in Wales and decided the arrangements were safe.

New stand  on abortion

New stand on abortion

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

A new landmark statement formalising the Christian position on abortion with a doctrinal emphasis has been published online.

The Life Affirmation has been drafted by a group of anonymous Christians holding academic qualifications in theology and in medicine, as well as experience in pastoral ministry.

US moves to protect unborn children

US moves to protect unborn children

Iain Taylor, BBC

The US Supreme Court now appears poised to accept a Mississippi law barring abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, after conservative justices hinted that a majority backed upholding the law. Its ruling, expected in June, may see millions of women lose their current access to abortion.

Pro-life activists are urging the court to ‘protect unborn children’, but others warn of an increase in maternal mortality if abortion is restricted. Both sides of the debate regard this case – known as Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization – as an all-or-nothing fight.

Belfast: abortion  challenge

Belfast: abortion challenge


Lawyers for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) have told the High Court in Belfast that the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland exceeded his authority when he ordered Stormont ministers to roll out late-term abortion across the Province.

John Larkin QC, former Attorney General for Northern Ireland, spoke for SPUC in its application for a judicial review of the abortion regulations introduced earlier this year by Brandon Lewis, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. It is expected that the court’s final decision may take months.

Texas: ‘Satanic’ 
 abortion row

Texas: ‘Satanic’ abortion row

Christian Post

A new law in Texas banning abortion from as early as six weeks has been welcomed by Christian and other pro-life groups, but condemned by abortion-rights activists.

The so-called Heartbeat Act was allowed to go ahead by the Supreme Court and came into force at midnight on 1 September. There were reports of abortion clinics performing abortions right up to 11.59 the night before to beat the deadline.


Pro-life images

Date posted: 1 Sep 2021

Dear Editor,

‘The Fourteen Ages of Woman’ might be a good name for the stylised figures set in pastel adjacent to James Mildred’s pro-life update in the August issue of en. With ‘200,000 abortions’ in England and Wales per year (and ‘9.5million’ since 1967) a much more powerful pro-life image could have accompanied the text.

Time to end the evil of 
 sex-selective abortion
politics & policy

Time to end the evil of sex-selective abortion

James Mildred James Mildred

In the future, men are set to outnumber women by a considerable margin. That’s according to some new research which suggests there are millions of missing girls thanks to sex-selective abortion.

In certain countries, there’s a clear cultural preference for boys rather than girls and by 2100, if current rates continue, 22million girls could be lost to the practice.

Heidi’s abortion law challenge: date set

Heidi’s abortion law challenge: date set


The High Court will hear Heidi Crowter’s legal challenge to abortion laws on 6 July, it has been announced.

Crowter, 25, is bringing the case against the government with Máire Lea-Wilson, whose 23-month-old son Aidan has Down’s syndrome.

Abortion: outrage at diktat  for Northern Ireland

Abortion: outrage at diktat for Northern Ireland

Nicola Laver Nicola Laver

The UK government has taken unprecedented and controversial steps in an attempt to force Stormont to implement new abortion laws.

In March 2020, abortion law in Northern Ireland (NI) changed allowing terminations for any reason during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and thereafter only in certain cases. No limit has been placed in cases of fatal foetal abnormalities.

Fears rise over 
 home abortions

Fears rise over home abortions

Nicola Laver / SPUC

Pandemic measures allowing for complete home abortions since March 2020 could become permanent.

Under temporary legislation, women up to ten weeks’ pregnant can take two consecutive ‘abortion pills’ at home, followed by a remote medical consultation, avoiding the need to attend a clinic in person. Previously, only the second pill could be administered at home.

Doom over  abortion  game in  Argentina

Doom over abortion game in Argentina

Right To Life Monitoring / Evangelical Focus

A pro-abortion activist has created a controversial foetus-killing computer game as part of a long campaign to legalise abortion in Argentina, which was voted through in December 2020.

The law change resulted in crowds rejoicing in the street, whilst neighbouring Paraguay held a minute’s silence for all the lives of the unborn who will be lost due to Argentina’s vote.

Satanic abortion appeal

Satanic abortion appeal

The Satanic Temple (ST) is suing a bill-board company for not displaying its advert on abortion, in the same week that a lawyer described how she was joining the organisation as it ‘closely aligned’ with her code for living.

The temple accused Lamar Advertising of religious discrimination for not putting up eight billboards that say abortion is a ritual. If an abortion is classified as a religious ritual it means a woman can claim religious exemptions from the mandatory waiting periods, checkups and counselling that is required by some states before obtaining an abortion.

Abortion counselling  support anniversary

Abortion counselling support anniversary

Image, an organisation that provides a Christian response to abortion and helps resource the church in this area, reached its 30th year of service in 2020.

A spokesperson for Image said that in their experience the church has largely seen abortion as a peripheral issue, too sensitive to mention, and so has remained silent and inactive, while many in congregations across the UK (some say as many as one in three women) will have travelled that route.

Two grave abortion cases

Two grave abortion cases

The Korea Times / The Christian Post

In South Korea, an obstetrician was sentenced to three years and six months in prison for killing a baby who ‘burst out crying’ during abortion procedures.

The Seoul Central District Court convicted Dr Yun of killing a 34-week-old baby and suspended Yun’s medical licence for three years. Medical staff consistently said they heard the baby crying before it was killed by being put in a bucket of water. The mother of the baby was just 16 years old.

Northern Ireland: abortion critiques

Northern Ireland: abortion critiques

Right to Life

The influential Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee released a report in April which is highly critical of the UK Government’s approach to imposing abortion on Northern Ireland.

The Committee highlighted a number of concerns with the new regulations.

World: abortion round-up

World: abortion round-up

European Centre for Law and Justice

New Zealand’s Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters, who was elected on a pro-life vote in the last general election, voted against an amendment requiring that pain relief be given to babies being aborted between 20 weeks and birth.

The Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, joined 80 other politicians and Peters in voting against a requirement to give medical help to babies born alive after ‘failed’ abortions.

Women must know the truth

Women must know the truth

Following publication of new research into the links between abortion and breast cancer, UK anti-abortion agencies are demanding that women should be told about the serious health risks before they terminate their pregnancies.

Breast cancer is now the commonest form of cancer in the UK. Around 30,000* women are diagnosed with the disease in England and Wales each year. One in nine women will develop breast cancer at some time in their lives.