In Depth:  Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Noted Bible translator retires

Wycliffe Bible Translators

John Macaulay was able to celebrate his retirement from Wycliffe after 35 years with the launch of three New Testaments in Tanzania. John had worked on each of the Malila, Kinga and Sangu New Testaments.

John worked as a translation consultant, ensuring each was accurate to the original Greek or Hebrew. He said: ‘My longest contribution is the Duruma translation, which I have worked on, on and off, for 26 years. That Bible is currently being read by representatives in the Duruma community, in preparation for typesetting in the next month or so.’

Cameroon: pioneer killed

Cameroon: pioneer killed

Wycliffe Bible Translators

One of the first translators of the Bible for the Aghem people in Cameroon was murdered during a violent attack on his village on 20 October.

He is the second member of the translation team killed in recent months. Angus Fung, a literacy coordinator in the same village in the Wum area of Cameroon, was murdered a few months prior to the October attack.

Do they know it’s Christmas?

Do they know it’s Christmas?

Wycliffe Bible Translators

In October Wycliffe Bible Translators released its annual figures on the progress being made in Bible translation worldwide.

698 languages now have the complete Bible (up from 683 in 2018), and 1,548 languages have a complete New Testament (up from 1,534). A further 1,138 have some translated portions of the Bible (up from 1,133).

Tanzania: Nyakyusa version

Tanzania: Nyakyusa version

Wycliffe Bible Translators

A decade-long Scripture translation project has culminated in the publication of the New Testament in the Tanzanian language of Nyakyusa, Wycliffe Bible Translators reported in July.

The launch event happened in Kyela Town, Mbeya Region, Tanzania. Despite steady rains and localised flooding, people came from throughout the Mbeya Region and abroad for a day of celebration.

Guinea & Senegal: Bibles

Guinea & Senegal: Bibles

Wycliffe Bible Translators

The double dedication of the Wamey New Testament in Guinea and Senegal at the turn of the year represents over 30 years of translation work by Wycliffe Bible Translators and SIL Senegal.

The New Testament is available in both print and audio forms, and has been enthusiastically received, with people responding positively to the message during the translation process.

Senegal: dictionary

Senegal: dictionary

Wycliffe Bible Translators

The launch on 29 December of a dictionary in the Gusilay language in preparation for a Bible translation, was greeted with joy by one Gusilay speaker, noting ‘you can’t eat with someone else’s language and be satisfied’.

The dictionary, featuring 9,000 words, is the first time that the language has been extensively collected, written down, analysed and published. David and Janet Wilkinson spearheaded the language work among the Gusilay. David said: ‘Bible translation is a long process with lots of steps along the way. Although it’s unusual for a dictionary to be completed before translation even begins, in this case it has proved a vital initial stage.’

Wycliffe’s heart

Wycliffe’s heart

Wycliffe Bible Translators

On September 7 around 450 people gathered to celebrate 40 years of God’s faithfulness while Wycliffe Bible Translators have been based at the Wycliffe Centre in Buckinghamshire.

Wycliffe Bible Translators have now sold the Wycliffe Centre at Horsleys Green, and will be moving to new offices in Saunderton in early November.