Tanzania: Nyakyusa version
Wycliffe Bible Translators
A decade-long Scripture translation project has culminated in the publication of the New Testament in the Tanzanian language of Nyakyusa, Wycliffe Bible Translators reported in July.
The launch event happened in Kyela Town, Mbeya Region, Tanzania. Despite steady rains and localised flooding, people came from throughout the Mbeya Region and abroad for a day of celebration.
Guinea & Senegal: Bibles
Wycliffe Bible Translators
The double dedication of the Wamey New
Testament in Guinea and Senegal at the
turn of the year represents over 30 years
translation work by Wycliffe Bible
Translators and SIL Senegal.
The New Testament is available in both print
and audio forms, and has been enthusiastically
received, with people responding positively to
the message during the translation process.
Senegal: dictionary
Wycliffe Bible Translators
The launch on 29 December of a dictionary
in the Gusilay language in preparation for a
Bible translation, was greeted with joy by one
Gusilay speaker, noting ‘you can’t eat with
someone else’s language and be satisfied’.
The dictionary,
featuring 9,000 words,
is the first time that the language has been
extensively collected, written down, analysed
and published. David and Janet Wilkinson
spearheaded the language work among the
Gusilay. David said: ‘Bible translation is a
long process with lots of steps along the way.
Although it’s unusual for a dictionary to be
completed before translation even begins, in
this case it has proved a vital initial stage.’