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Seventy new missionaries mark 70 years of Slav mission

Seventy new missionaries mark 70 years of Slav mission

The Slavic Gospel Association has marked its 70th anniversary by sending 70 new mission partners to spiritually- needy areas. Mark Foster, Director of Field Ministries, reports:

Covid-19 put an end to national and international travel in 2020, but not to gospel outreach and expansion. Slavic Gospel Association [UK], as part of its 70th Anniversary Projects, had planned to support the sending of 70 new missionaries into spiritually-needy communities – one for each year of its existence – to bring the good news of salvation in Christ. What would become of such a project in the paralysing lockdown due to the pandemic? Was there any hope of even getting near to that target? If it were reached, was any kind of spiritual return possible?

Ukraine: 24 churches planted, Christian bakery set up

Ukraine: 24 churches planted, Christian bakery set up

For seven long years East Ukraine has been embroiled in a war which has brought devastation, displacement and death to many. Millions have been affected, losing homes, livelihoods, and life itself. The current pandemic has heaped more misery on this war-torn region and its people. How is the cause of the gospel and the state of evangelical church life in all of this?

The answer is – prospering and advancing! Pastor Igor, a Ukrainian national church leader likened the situation to that of Paul’s imprisonment at Rome from where he writes to the Philippian church and assures them that what has happened ‘has really served to advance the gospel’ (Phil.1:12). Despite not only the fallout from the war, but the discrimination, harassment and persecution of evangelical believers, including the burning and destruction of church buildings, Christ is faithfully building His church, and bringing hope and joy to many.

Rejoicing in suffering…

Rejoicing in suffering…

During a recent visit to Central Asia the General Director of Slavic Gospel Association [UK], the Revd Derek Maxwell, had opportunity to enjoy fellowship with church leaders and believers living and wit-nessing in difficult, dangerous situations.

The collapse of the Soviet system in 1989 brought relief for believers from years of religious oppression, but this was quickly replaced by opposition from zealous religious sources along with governments pursuing a secular agenda.