In Depth:  William Taylor

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Mission field of the workplace

Mission field of the workplace

William Taylor

Wes Illingsworth asks William Taylor about the new ‘Questions for Life’ mission

In March 2018, ‘Gospel at Work’ Lunchtime Talks networks made a special effort to take Christ’s answers to life’s biggest questions into their workplaces.

'This is a fundamental issue'

William Taylor

On October 16 the Anglican Primates issued their Statement in response to the potential consecration of Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire. On November 2 he was duly consecrated. What should Anglicans make of the Statement? And how should they act in light of the consecration?

First, the Anglican Primates' Statement:

Realistic. The Anglican Primates' Statement was realistic. It recognised that the consecration of Gene Robinson will mean that 'the ministry of this one bishop will not be recognised by most of the Anglican Communion worldwide'. It also foresees that his consecration 'will tear the fabric of our Communion at the deepest level and É may lead to further division É as dioceses have to decide in consequence whether they can remain in communion with provinces that choose not to break with the Episcopal Church of the United States of America' (ECUSA). This is a realistic assessment of the realignment that is already well under way in the Anglican Communion.