In Depth:  William Still

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A fond farewell

William Still

Here we carry an edited version of William Still's last sermon as the minister of Gilcomston South Church of Scotland. The reading was Paul's farewell to the Ephesian elders from Acts 20.

Of the innumerable things I could say on reflection upon 52 years of life and work here, a certain structure needs to emerge: first to deal with practical things, then theological, and third, personal.

Reward and loss

William Still

There is a preaching of the gospel which, while rejoicing in justification and in the new life in Christ, yet seems to stop short at that point - as if the beginning of new life is all there is to salvation.

Questions on the holy life of sanctification are scarcely raised, a joi de vivre of the simple gospel prevails, often with a wealth of extravagant praise, but owing little or nothing to the Christian experience of fellowship in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ - as if that was exclusively for our Lord on our behalf, but not for us.