In Depth:  William Philip

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Evangelical Futures: The ‘fanatical arrogance of men of science’

Evangelical Futures: The ‘fanatical arrogance of men of science’

William Philip

‘I dread government in the name of science. That is how tyrannies come in’ (C.S. Lewis, 1958).

Laura Dodsworth’s recent book, A State of Fear: how the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic, is a troubling read. It exposes the extent to which behavioural scientists and their ‘psychological operations’ to manipulate behaviour have become a pervasive tool of government. This coercive power over populations has been amply manifest over the past two years, as has the influence of scientists generally; the voices of the SAGEs have been ubiquitous in the public consciousness, like oracles of a national religion, the source of all guidance and authority.

Glasgow: Tron extends

Glasgow: Tron extends

William Philip

The Tron Church opened a new extension to its building in Bath Street, Glasgow on Sunday 1 March.

Expelled from their previous building by the Church of Scotland over issues concerning their refusal to go along with relaxation of sexual ethics for church ministers, the congregation has continued to grow and the church has prospered. The Tron took over a shop next door to add that space to its new premises.

Serve one another

William Philip

The world we inhabit today is both larger and smaller than ever before. In our global village, events in one hemisphere hit the airwaves instantly to affect millions on the other side of the world.

Yet most people in the West live a more privatised, isolated and self-preoccupied existence than at any time in history. Vast horizons coexist alongside incredible insularity.

Love one another

William Philip

The gospel faith that unites us in a new relationship to one God unites believers in a new relationship of love to one another.

We are one kingdom family, brothers (Romans14.13,15,21), and 'God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit' (5.5). The hallmark, the characteristic family trait we all share, must, therefore, be expression of this love. We are to 'love one another with brotherly affection' (12.10), and to 'owe no one anything, except to love each other' (13.8).

Welcome one another

William Philip

A disturbing centrifugal force, seen in the enduring propensity for division among evangelical churches, has been powerfully at work among us for many generations, with devastating effects for the gospel of Christ.

Post-Reformation church history, particularly in the UK and the USA, is littered with evidence of disagreements, splits and rupture among congregations and church groupings, and it is quite staggering how often this has been over truly minor and secondary matters.

Christian alphabet

William Philip


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