In Depth:  William Mackenzie

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50 years of Crieff Fellowship

50 years of Crieff Fellowship

William Mackenzie

The 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Crieff Fellowship was marked by an exceptional conference of preaching, reflection, fellowship and prayer.

The principal speaker, Dr Joel Beeke, pastor, professor and prolific author from Grand Rapids Michigan, delivered incisive, authoritative and heart-warming addresses to the 150 who had gathered. Numbers were augmented by a group of American pastors who represented the American Crieff Fellowship, birthed by and modelled on the original vision, and their unique contribution was hugely appreciated.

Meaning in Argyll

Meaning in Argyll

William Mackenzie

It doesn’t come better than Scotland’s beautiful West Highlands and a three-day Argyll Convention, held in early August.

Simon Austen and Dominic Smart spoke on the theme Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World. Simon concentrated on security for the soul. He urged listeners to acknowledge Jesus’ lordship and obey his Word rather than treat him as a mere therapist and find ourselves on the wrong side.

How are things in Scotland now?

How are things in Scotland now?

William Mackenzie

William Mackenzie assesses the public mood in the aftermath of the vote rejecting Scottish independence

Early September brought a high-pressure weather system over much of the UK, particularly over Scotland.