In Depth:  Wallace Benn

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Prophetic preaching – the missing  jewel of the evangelical church?

Prophetic preaching – the missing jewel of the evangelical church?

Wallace Benn

In these two extracts from his new book 'Prophetic Preaching – the Missing Jewel of the Evangelical Church?' retired bishop and minister Wallace Benn calls evangelicals back to an understanding of preaching as being more than simply teaching.


Give peace a chance

Give peace a chance

Wallace Benn


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Packer’s final book: vintage

Packer’s final book: vintage

Wallace Benn


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Gospel priorities for	the Church of England’s clergy

Gospel priorities for the Church of England’s clergy

Wallace Benn

Book Review THE ANGLICAN ORDINAL: Gospel Priorities for Church of England Ministry

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The joy of repentance

The joy of repentance

Wallace Benn

Former area Bishop of Lewes, Wallace Benn, reminds us of the delight to be found in turning back to God

When the Lord Jesus began his ministry he proclaimed: ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel’ (Mark 1:15). Repentance is central to the Christian message and cannot therefore be downplayed or abandoned.

Breaking the vows: intriguing but unconvincing

Breaking the vows: intriguing but unconvincing

Wallace Benn

Book Review GOD’S DIVORCE: Understanding New Testament divorce and remarriage teaching

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Best since Ryle!

Best since Ryle!

Wallace Benn

Book Review DEVOTED TO GOD: Blueprints for Sanctification

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Mike Ovey 1958 –2017

Mike Ovey 1958 –2017

Wallace Benn

It was a privilege and a pleasure to have known Mike as a brother in Christ and a dear friend. I cannot begin to tell you how much he will be missed by a generation of ordinands, students and ministerial colleagues. He was one of those few people it is difficult to imagine not being around, and whose wise counsel was such a blessing to many.

In many ways Mike was the foremost conservative evangelical theologian of his times. His training as a lawyer and his time working on parliamentary legislation left him with a healthy hostility to flabby thinking. Having a brilliant mind, he nonetheless had a warm pastoral heart which was influenced by his time in Crowborough as a curate. He began to shape his skills as a lecturer in systematic and biblical theology on the staff of Moore Theological College, Sydney. His return to join the staff at Oak Hill Theological College was warmly welcomed and he has shone there for ten years as the much loved and widely valued principal.

Challenge for today’s bishops

Challenge for today’s bishops

Wallace Benn

Book Review J.C. RYLE: Prepared to Stand Alone

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Two cheers for the Primates

Two cheers for the Primates

Wallace Benn

Now that the dust has settled, it is important to begin to try and evaluate the long-term effect of the Anglican Primates Meeting at Canterbury in January.

The GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) Primates called for prayer before the gathering and, thankfully, it was a meeting bathed in prayer from all around the world.

Bishops: double-speak on Pilling

Bishops: double-speak on Pilling

Wallace Benn

Wallace Benn comments on the recent consultation

‘No church can live in integrity if it proclaims loyalty to Scripture, but then ignores Scripture when faced with new proposals for her life.’ (Bishop Keith Sinclair)

Word Alive is alive!

Wallace Benn

Word Alive is alive and well and planning for the New Word Alive event on April 7-11 2008 at Pwhelli in North Wales.

It was sad when Spring Harvest, for their own reasons, ended the partnership this year after 14 years, but we are so grateful to them for their fellowship and help over the years and continue to wish them well for the future.

Why is this presenting issue Communion-breaking?

Wallace Benn

The Church of England Primates have met in Northern Ireland and come to their conclusion (see front page).

What we need to ask at this time is why the presenting issue of the consecration of a practising gay bishop in New Hampshire, and the blessing of same-sex unions in the Diocese of New Westminster, is so important. And, granted its importance, is it important enough to break communion about?

Jesus our Joy

Wallace Benn

The book of Philippians is the New Testament book par excellence about Christian joy.

No less than 16 times in its four chapters does Paul refer to joy. There is 3.1: 'Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord!'; 4.4: 'Rejoice in the Lord always'; and 4.10: 'I rejoice greatly in the Lord'. Notice two things about the phrase 'Rejoice in the Lord'.

Real parent power - shaping the lives of our children

Wallace Benn

'Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your strength. And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again. Tie them to your hands as a reminder, and wear them on your forehead. Write them on the door-posts of your house and on your gates.'

Deuteronomy 6.3, 4-9 New Living Translation

We want to talk about an area that is of supreme importance for the health of families and the future well-being of our nation.

What it's like to be a bishop

Wallace Benn

Many folk have asked me what it's like to be a bishop, and the short answer is that I feel I have been given a job with opportunities from heaven and a diary from hell! Let me expand a bit on that!

Exciting opportunities

The most exciting opportunity of the last year was probably just before Easter.

The Last Word

Wallace Benn

Why is it that holiness has become an unpopular word among Christians? Is it because holiness has become associated with being 'so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good'?

The Holy Spirit

In verse 25, chapter 13 of John's Gospel, the Spirit of Truth is called the Holy Spirit. In other words he is concerned about holiness. It is certainly true of much modern Christianity that there is not the same concern for holiness as there was.