In Depth:  Victoria Marsay

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Canny years in Byker

Victoria Marsay

A church, situated opposite the Byker Wall in Newcastle, celebrated its 40th anniversary.

Meeting in a corrugated-iron hall, Welbeck Road Evangelical Church started under Newcastle City Mission. Over 50 attended the Sunday School, many coming from the surrounding estates which were to be made famous by the BBC children’s television programme Byker Grove.



Victoria Marsay

On 23 March, an Islamist gunman killed four people in southern France.

He left many others injured and psychologically harmed. The 26-year-old said he was fighting for Islamic State and was demanding the release of the most important surviving suspect of the 2015 Paris attacks. He was shot dead by armed police.

Ukraine: Bible commentary

Ukraine: Bible commentary

Victoria Marsay

In October the Slavic Bible Commentary (SBC) was launched in Kiev, Ukraine.

The book, whose first edition has already sold out, is the first ever Russian-language commentary, written by contemporary evangelical writers from Eastern Europe.