In Depth:  UCCF

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UCCF appoints new CEO

UCCF appoints new CEO


A new CEO, Matt Lillicrap, is heading to Christian student organisation UCCF.

He will begin his role at the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) in the Autumn.

You’re the only Christian: what next?

You’re the only Christian: what next?


Imagine you arrived at university to discover that you are the only Christian on campus: what would you do?

This is the reality for student Emily who studies at the Northern School of Art in Hartlepool, an institution of around 500 students.

Student leaders equipped at spring training sessions

Student leaders equipped at spring training sessions


Each Spring, the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) runs nine regional weekend conferences, known as Regional Forums, to equip new student leaders. Christian Unions across Great Britain hand over their leadership to new committees of students at this time of year, and many have never served in this way before.

This training helps new student leaders to grow into their specific roles, and to work well together as they lead their CUs to the glory of God.

Up to the Mark

Up to the Mark


Students have been taking part in an immersive theatre project which has helped them understand the Bible in new ways, it was reported in February.

As part of the Uncover Mark project, UCCF teamed up with the Mark Drama to give students another way to experience the story that Mark tells about Jesus in the Bible.

Durham’s purple patch

Durham’s purple patch


Durham Christian Union won an award for ‘Best Society Event’ at the National Society Awards on 19 May.

Hosted by the National Union of Students and Red Oak Roller, the evening celebrated university societies around the United Kingdom and what they contribute to their members, their campuses and to the wider community.

Falmouth: drawing on life

Falmouth: drawing on life


Falmouth CU, when reaching out to students on their arts campus in April, trialled a new event – life drawing, but with a twist.

Instead of drawing models, each student (fully clothed!) took a turn in the middle and talked about their background, their faith, and what difference God has made to them. Equipped with sketchpaper and various drawing materials, they listened and began to draw said student and their life.