Refugees mobile app
International Christian Broadcaster Trans
World Radio (TWR) has begun implementing the first phase of their project to reach
refugees stranded across Europe with messages of hope and comfort.
The United Nations, along with refugee
agencies, are increasingly recognising stress,
depression and mental illness as serious problems which face refugees, for whom the difficult journey to a refugee camp may be only
the first in a long series of challenges. Culture
shock and disillusionment, compounded by
the difficulties of navigating a language barrier, are leading to high levels of stress in a
group of people already affected by the trauma of leaving war-torn countries.
International Christian broadcaster Trans
World Radio (TWR) is taking up the battle
against the deadly Ebola outbreak by using
communication network
health information across West Africa, it
was reported in November.
TWR personnel worked with government
and health officials to develop a unified message. Alert Ebola
is broadcast
in French
(which is widely used in the former French
colonies of West Africa), English and local languages such as Bambara.