Italy: living out gospel principles in the workplace
Raffaele Vergotti, who is the workplace group
leader at Banca di Credito Cooperativo di
Brescia, shared his experiences about how
he became inspired to create a Christian
Workplace Group (CWG).
‘In 2014, God made me aware that work is
a gift from Him and not a curse. This changed
my perspective about work, and
I have
therefore deepened the subject by studying
the Bible and reading some Christian books.
Workplace Christian groups increase
A Christian workplace group (CWG) had a great impact in the Canary Wharf area of London in mid-November, where an amazing 280 people of all faiths gathered to hear inspiring talks, with many senior staff giving a clear account of their Christian faith.
As a result of this event, new CWGs are starting up on Canary Wharf and some groups which had been struggling received great encouragement.
Too early for Christmas?
Apparently not, for the Christian Workplace
Group leader at Bedford Borough Council
who was interviewed in March.
The venue, date and times for Christmas
events are all booked into the council calendars and more than this, invitations have
already gone out to senior managers and the
town mayor asking if they can take part.